Triple Cities College 1948 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access - HTML5 format
to do wtth each other a pos ible. The group. can be dtstin – gui hed in various ways. Members of one group dre s 10 baggy blue erge utt , come to chool m \'tntage automobile , and are generally identified by thetr eedy look. The e, the untouchable , are commonly called " teacher ." The upper caste, the tudent , can be di tingui hed by thetr urplus Army clothes, racy converubles, and platinum hip Aa k . There 1 a severe taboo again extra-curncular relatton between the member of the two ca te . When pa smg in the corridor a teacher may not addres a student unles the tudent speak first, etc. However, to get back to the Cafe DownstaiCS, it 1 strewn with furniture of two periods (pre-war and post-\.\-ar) The e lovely maple pieces are covered with students. The ratio i about even students to one ptece, thus we have six frustrated male tudents to- (but enough of the e dry statts· tiCs) . A visttor to this stronghold of free-thinking liberalism would be impressed by the brilliance of the conversation be– tween the students. Here, for the benefit of tho e l~s adven- 29
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