Triple Cities College 1948 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access - HTML5 format
BACK Row : Eugene Bisignani, Tony Sacco, Mike Mazzei, Miss Fargnoli, Fred Conte, Peter Barbone, Ralph Catanese, Joseph Iannone, John Cary, James Johnson, Carmine Calenti, Conrad Ellner, Mr. Maurino, Nick Donatelli. FRONT Row : Jim Carey, Thelma Carey, Dennis Bottino, Margie Davenport, Remo Allio, Bob Bargetzi, Josephine Bottino, Dick Ives, Joe Bottino, Daniel Emilio, Vivian Cook, John Salemme. President .................................. JoSEPHINE BOTTINO Vice-President --------- ----------------------------- RICHARD IVES Secretary ------------·--------------------------- FLAVIO MANGERS Treasurer ·-----------··----------------·-----·- RoBERT BARGETZJ Faculty Advisors -·----·--· MR. FERDINANDO MAURlNO MISs YoLANDA FARGNOLI A college precedent for language club newspapers was set by the Italian Club in publishing its newsette, "11 Crespuscolo" (Twilight), a monthly pubiication originated and edited by Remo Allio. "Il Circulo Italiano," was formed early in the first semester. Informal meetings were held with the purpose of learning the cultural background of Italy. Programs consisted of speakers, skits, films and re– cordings of classical and semi-classical Italian music. Dinner meetings in Italian restaurants, or "Scam– pagntos" as the outings were called, were supple– mented by member entertainment. A movie was held in an Endicott theater in Feb– ruary, the proceeds of which were used by the dub for awards to deserving Italian student .
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