Triple Cities College 1948 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access - HTML5 format
Adelphi SociaI Group Approved By Personnel The third men's social organiu– tion of TCC is now a reality with the announcement of the formation of the Adelphi Club. At a recent meeting, Jack Wedge was electrd president, Bill Mayer vice-presi– dent, Ed Antal secretary, and John Horkott treasurer. Jim Carey will be general officer. Aiming to promote social, in– tellectual and cultuul fellowship, the member chose the name Adel– phi becawe it connotes brother– hood. The Adelphians already have a cholarship program underway. A cholarship to be given annually to an incoming student to help defray tuition expenses has been approvrd br the administration, and as soon as details have been completed, the fund viii be admini tend by the college. President ................................................ JACK WEDGE Vice-Presidmt ........................................ BILL MAYER Sen·etary .................................................... En ANTAL Treasurer .......................................... JOHN HORKOTT General Officer.................................... JAMES LAUDER Historian ........................................ WJLLIAM TUTHILL Faculty Advisot·s .................... MR. CHARLES DIVINE AND DR. W. PoRTER SwiFT One of the latest clubs to join the scene at TCC was the Adelphi. Formed early in 1948, it became the third men's social organization. Aiming at so– cial, intellectual and cultural fellowship, members chose the name Adelphi with its connotation of brotherhood. A scholarship fund for incoming freshmen was established by the Adelphi. The award wiLL be given annually to an incoming student to help defray tui– tion expenses. The plan has been approved by the administration, and as soon as details are cleared up, the fund wiLL be administered with the aid of the college. Plans for functions were in the tentative stage at the time this book went to press and could not be included in the club's activities. BACK Row : Mr. Divine, Bill Mayer, Ed Antal, John Horkott, Dr. Swift. SEATED: Hugh Jamieson, Jerry Flannigan, BiLL Tuthill, Walt Stanzel, Jr., Jack Wedge, Jim Carey, Claude Crawford, Jr., George Ryder, James Lauder, James Clapham. 92
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