Triple Cities College 1948 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access - HTML5 format

11zfJ ~olia'cJ~ -·-:~--"~' -··~. . . - BACK Row: Bob Blesh, Jim McHale, Del Craft, Cal Symons, Mario Pizzillo, George Donovon, Frank Ce– lona, Jim Jordan, Joe Baxter, Art Neumann. SE OND Row: Wally Bouskill, John Kar, Al Reed, Harry Stein, John Fowler, Bob Murray, Bill O'Neill, Charles Guernsey, Joe Meyers, Dick Powell. THIRD Row : Bob Kennedy, Art Brehm, Bill Everts, Dick Hamann, Bill Sharpe, Bob Carson, Charles Speich, Jack Keigher, Don Buffum, Harry Hafler, Mack Vegard, Mike Brumer, John Malik, Ed Koast, Tony Dyer, Paul Sheely. FRONT Row: Lennart Erikson, Bill Jones, Mike Biloz, Keith Dunklee, Bob Bargetzi, Ronnie Cuillerier, George Heinsohn, Jack O 'Day. 94 Prnident ................................... }AMES J. McHALE Vice-President ...................... LENNART N. ERIKSON Secretary....... ............................. WILLIAM A. JONES Treas11rer ..................................... FRANK P. CELONA F.mdty Adt'isors ...................... MR. JOHN D. HALL MR. FREDERICK J. HOLLISTER The second men's social fraternity to be formed at TCC appeared in October, 1947. The name Goliards was derived from a group of wandering medieval scholars in Europe during the 12th century. These scholars wrote songs and verse attacking the abuses and vices of the period and glorified nature, wine, and women-all of which they loved ardently. The aims of the TCC Goliards included perform– ing service as well as social functions. In November the club sponsored a successful European Rel ief Drive for cash donations and clothing. In January, a Maroon Key society was organized to play host to visiting athletic teams. The Goliard's recreational activities have included a Christmas party to supplement the festivities of the Mistletoe Ball weekend, a post-exam night field trip, the college intramural basketball champs and a Mardi Gras dance.