Triple Cities College 1948 Yearbook (Endicott, NY) - Full Access - HTML5 format

MAROON KEY: James D. O'Connell and Charles L. peich, co-chairmen; Michael Biloz, Mayer Bru– mer, Frank P. Celona, George W. Donovan, Jr., John A. Dyer, and DuWayne H. Pettyjohn. The Maroon Key, an honorary society that operate m cooperation with the college athletic de– partment, was formed in January by the Goliards. Membershtp in the Key rotates within the club. The function of the Key is to entertain and a si t visiting athletic teams. The Key meets visitors, directs them to the college and playmg areas, com– pletes arrangements for their meals and local trans– portation, helps the players with their equipment, looks after their clothes, and takes care of them during time-outs in the capacity of towel custodians and slicers of oranges. The primary purpo e of the Maroon Key is to e tabli h friendship between TCC and other colleges and to promote good will and sportsmanship by be– ing of service to " rivals" on the playing courts. Student programs similar to the Key are well– establi hed in many other colleges. BACK Row : Tony Dyer, George Donovan, Jr., DuWaync Pettyjohn, Mike Biloz, Charles Speich. FRo. T Row: Mike Brumer, Jim O'Connell, Frank Celona. 95