Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
\braham; -.rthur 919 '\orthumberland ·henectad;, '\) ·\kland. Robert 5 South \lain treet Sherburne '\Y \nthropology; \lpha Phi Omega. \ltman I~ Zahn 10 lloustoi1 \venue \hddletO\m '..;) \ltman · nford 600 IV 216 Sl Bronx '\Y \midon Eleanor 2().1 ' Boundan \ ' \la~\.tpequa ' ' Cem1an ~ Peace ·,':~~~~t~h~;:;';f,l Bronx 62 '\Y Biology ; Dean' l..i;t ; Social Chairman, SecretarY, Pre\1dcnt of Odean Secretan Trea;urer and Pre<iident of I . .C., olonial Plavers, F'Y; · I " ;ill truly mi it. It's a plly I iliall for~et . \•tell Blake 109 Jlarri\On henue End1eolt '" Baker Karen 3215 he II Brookl~11 '\Y Baker \larilv11 38 ullivan Rd F'anmnl!<lale, '\Y Dean's List ; '\e"man ' lub secretary, S.CB . Soc1al Commlltee. Dunng four years of majoring m ma~h. manv num~r> hav: gr~"" dear to my heart - I. II I, 3 . 1~16, 2. d and espee1ally 0.'>-120.>13. Baldwm James RD I Horan Rd Ve;tal '\Y llumanities,( Music), Dean\ Li;t , Juniorand nior Honors in music; \\'ind Ensemble, Glee tub, hoir Viee Pre"dent •. pnn~ Re'11e '66. \1u;ical D~rectorl , Fall Revue, \1u;,~al D~recton. Bal"'m Elvire 1.';25 Ilenr; Hudson Bronx,,.' Ban'.Omb )ame4J 27 I I \1an'hatten D Endwell '\Y Ph~· ;ics Barnes Robert J 393 Pemberton Road Roehe<iter 22 '1.1' Barr George 157 B1gelo" treet Binghamton '1,!Y Bauer arol 9.16 \laplecrest Drive '\Bellmore'" :::.:.t:dry~h':r':::~ Li<t , Honor Roll ; lh;tory tub, Dorm Jud1c1al Bauer George I>~ Ocean he We;t 1\hp '" \lath; Dean'; Ll\t Bauman \\'endv .5.3-2·1 !90th St Flu;hm~ a.; '\Y \nthro~l<>lt' ; \\'oodrow \\'il<011 Fello"'h1p '\ommation. Dean'; L1<t , \\ RZ basketball, softball . f~eld hoeke) Bekar Lorrame ~ 115 50th . tree! \\'01xh1de 'y lh;tor; ; Dean '; List ; Servil-e\ for Youth Pre;ident, S.F.Y. '\ur;er; Schoof .hairn1an, Student Coun<elor, nior Ker omm1ttee. ' Benatmin Jav 133 Chapin ·. t Bm$amton '\Y Bentle\ \\ilham Bot ;1)6 Tupper Lake '\Y Bem;tein David 66() Thwa1te'i Pla<a 'e" York ' ' Bern;tcm Judith 3-3--li 11th St Queen;'\\ Polll1cal Se1cnt-e; Dean\ Livl ; S.O.S., Judlcml Revie" Board, O'Connor Dorin Council, Pohtical \ffai,.., 01nm1ttee, U.s .G. S.FY . ' Performed m the 6r.t Steppmg-On-The-Coat Ceremonv at llarpur Bilhnl(ton Clvde IJit Grand \\·e Binghamton \ew York Blee<arde Joanne ll \ladi;on \venue Ra,en, \ .\ En~h;h I held the clo;e;t equivalent to the salon, Ill the manner of \lme. Rec.·ormer. Block Eleanor lli9 F'..a\t 32 t Brooklm \e" York Philo-.Ophv . Pohhcal Seienee; c;,;t Right< Club, \cademiC \ff01r; omm1ttee, \ \ F Bloel Jerome 1061 \lartm Plaee Valle~ Stream '\Y Bochnovich John I~ Davton St John;on Cih . ' Y Bonne\ Chnstine 3:lll RCdmapl Dri\e South Wanta$,•..,. En~h\h and ,cneral Literature; Dean' List , Daoee ,roup. prin~ Rev1c" (Gu;, and Doll<), S.F.Y. \ur;er; School darhead; Student ounselor, toloni;t tafT 196.3) and Editorial Board (1966'. Born6eld Ilarve; 1)().( Hampton -\venue ·henectad' '\Y Bova Robert 2.:."9 Columbu\ \venue Port he\tcr 'liY
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