Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

Pohtit·al S..·1en~e ; je'"'h Fdlo" vh1p. Donn Count·ll , \\ R \F \\ IIR\\ Lut:uH.•er. \nnount:t.·r. Trillr~t· \ l.ma~ er. TrtJ.\un·r \t llarpur ll amcd the meanin~ of the tenn "mfimte woe The 'ton of m~ hfe- (;od 1\ not deaJ . he )ll\1 doc.· n' t \\_.\Ot to ~ct 111 ~ volved. vo wm I><XI\ hav to. (;reenhel'll Irene 4!S Wevtnnn<trr Road Rochille Centre, \ ) .\rt lhvtorv. Dean\ !.1 t Coloma! \e"'· Donn Count·ll, jud1t1al Board ·retarv C:rr nl><:l'!l R1~hard .~ Da"1d .ourt C:lent11ve \) Lltcraturr Creem,ald \latthe" 2810 \lorm \\e \e" York \) So<.· •olog~:~ Dea.n\ U\t l\\lt:'e m a row'" Dorm C.oun<:il Hoor rep, \.1<-e PrC\1dent of STO, C\ vtaff. (.ret:mre Ronald 12 '><:h1ller St Bml(hamtoo \) C.revko Carol 25 Wren St Jvhn'<M> C.h Griffith Paul 21 Park . t \\ ·"·" ' ' E<:ononllt'' · Dean' U<t . Secretarv of SDS. Cha1nnan <>f ( ml R1l(hl\ Cluh; Wilham l- \loore ~hapter of CORf:, \lemher of \at10nal E•~ullve Committee·- Ymm11 People\ '>ot·1ahvt Leat:ue llarpur \land at a t·ro -roacb: it i ten<hn~ to lte<.·ome a home for the nervele<v. "alienated" p<eudo-intellt'<:tualv -or it tan he - ('{)lne a tmc people\ uni\- el"\11~ . (,rtl'o\ Be'erh 32110 \0\trand \\enue Brooklm \) Literature· Dean\ Uvt . Fre<hman llono" jud1t1al Board, Centml \ppelate Board. SCB. l' .. SF\ nu"e~ vthool and tutorial. llu · man.he \ Re,1e\\ , Donn COtmtll , C:.lmival . llarpur Folhc,, Dant-e 1\ orkvhop. Colon1al \ew ;~·=.~~e~~:d~~tf'o':"!~e•r".:'~· and anot~:f~~=~t"~";' ~-ometh hut (.ro-vhel'!l Bernard ';<!(\'; <;hore Pkw' llrooklm \) '><x·IOIO!(,\ \ "·".1h Bavkethall Team. Fre,hman Repre,entatl\·e to L'SC \delph1 It ha '""'" a <Jue<llon of Bill and Bear!!! Cuhennan C.,teH.•n ll .o;<l F..avt 101 St Brookl\11 \) (;un' 1t1 \.uon ').1 Hilltop Rd Levlttm\n ' ' l'llll<l'>Oj>h' Cu tafvon Jamev RD 2 Jam· town\) Phll<N>phv Hammack DaVId 101 nmrher 'itreet \T.ltW•e \\ Handler \onnan lR S1lver Birch \lerrick \) \t.'(_·ountlng: End~ mum x: u:t~ llarfman Unda ki-1 To'"' l~ne Rd l.an ~a ter \) Sociol01.,". \lethnd1 t Student Fello\\>lup retarv Puhh 11~ Chainnan •. \'olunteer at State 110\pltal Pmtopple". (,ul\ Serv1c mrih . Charter \I ember and \lumn1 St'<:retarv Student Counve· lor. DOnn Coun~il ~ Educational Cha1m1an · llaroldv,!av ~~c:-.~~ lf.lr' ~\ Blvd RiolO!('. Dean\ l.ivt ; Proctor, Band. Orche<tra. Dant'e Band, ll0<p1tal \ 'ohmt r, PrC\ident of the llroome Donn Countil , Inter· dom> Coun~1l. Je\\1\h Fdlo"'h1p Hart • thleen 1'~11 O.terht, \ve S..·hen~tad\ \) \nthropoiO!(' ; Dean\ Livt . Senior Committee; Pre<1dent of the Girl\ Servit Sorolit\, I knO\\ the meanm~ · of th mud ~nd ch1tlen J e and the ret of \ladame Fifi' I al'<> have th onh roommate \\hO tak 5 hourv I \\1 to 6 \\1 to decorate a Chrivtma tree. (()\1\IE\ T . FR0\1 \ FRIE\D. Dear llartv and ~cntle people "ho l"e and )()H• tn our home t0\\"11 . i \\1 11 2 10 a n)\\ l lla\tllll(' Patrit1a 51 Crocker \ve John""' Cit\ \) So<:10IO!(' Oean' Li<t . \ewman Club. State llovp1tal Volunteer. ll.atha\\3\ \nne 1'1 Ran<om \-em~e \Ia vena "\) Stud1o \rt lla11'father Kenneth li'l Wil""' Place Freeport \) Jla,ev \l1<-e I \rdvl ' Road Binl(hamton " lfa,·ward \la111aret i;J llank\lde Dnw Centerport \) \1W1tnt llivtnrv. (,irl '><:out Leader, \\ R \ field hocke' , SCB Tran'1>ortation Committee !ltand In the Fifth \mt·ndment ! lle1fet1 \rthur 67. 13 211i Street Ba'"de \) En~hvh and C.eneral Literature Helmer (.ail l>lR .';.'l Street Brooklm \) lhvto" lien" \eil 16 Will<>" Dnve \e" Rochelle \I Pohllcal Se1en~e; Drat:Ot> S<x:~etv. Student \la"hoJ at l'l66t:radua· linn. \\1t~tne\ and 0.l(ll>an Pint: Pon~ ChampUlll ; l ' , 2nd \. P , ht V P.• \\ llltnt\ Donn Rt·p.. Chamnan and meml>er nf variOtl\ ~~~::J~t~:~ c :!nf;,;:~~~ .. ;~~"'~;~~~,'; t~~r~"/~~~~r:~~d~~'~\~;~d.~:R· \A>tmvelor. llarpur Folh.,.,, Intramural <port< II.DIE.L "' / o \ ,,_ S II\\\\ TI . TB, \\ TIP\10 ) F Furthennore, I tn1h hehe'e th" and "'~1ld dvive all llarpur 'tudc.·nh lc> follon \Uit. llt·nnan l.mda 1112 Lak.,.,hure Dri\e \Ia' Jl'"l"" ' ' llem \hthael i<JI Rum\00 Rd RothC\ter. \)