Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

llerold John 007 L\nwood Drive Rome' ' II.Uer Barbara .11 Lmk . t John\on Cit~ " ' \rt lh,torv. lliller Ceor)le 11 Lmk Street Joh 0>;on C.l\ '\Y l>wchoi<K:' . lime \rthur 1.5<).1 l ' nionport Rd. Rron,, '\ \nthropole>j() llor<t Robert Jill.()<) /l.1rd \ve Kc" Carden' '" \ccounting; lliW> Jlonor Roll , Woodro" Wil;on 'ominee; Pre<ii- dent of Demetrean Socoel\. ~FY. l'SC rep. won " Bea\t Ill " Beaut\ and the Be.,t '' m f>t. Sloop1 for l 'SG Pre;ident. I "'" the "monh" hem~ made. \1 hat ever happened to the girl who marrieo, for love? I lle<.·amc \mart . llladok Barbara 22 Valhalla Place Valhalla XY lloadle' Leora i2 Cle\eland \'e Bm$amton '\Y llochstadt Enc 612 \~le Road Brookl111 '\\ Economic\, Chrum1an of \len ' Jnterdorm ouncil . member of B. hainnan Campu' Relatoom Committee, member of Social ommittee and Tran\portation Committee. Intramural oftball and foothall ; I " \e1, I'm Ted<h\ brother:· we 1961 olonisl 2- 1 came to thi\ \(.·hool \\Carin~ sla\\C\ for far\ightednC'-\ ; I leave \\Caring gla1SC'\ no" l>eeau>e I m "' nea"o~hted "' a bat OR 1-1 hotch- hiked to Canada dunng the wor<l blouard or l'l65; It took 10 hour< to get there- and 10 hour; to come back from Buffalo to Bm$amton b~ the ERIE-L.\CK \\\' "' \ . lloro"1" janet i66 Bradv \ ve Bronx 'i' Enftlish; Junior Honor~ 111 English, nior llonor< Program, llonor ~·~ker:~~~s n~~~· ~~~\~~:t;!·'·l l~ginne 1ch em neue\ Lehen, aher llosie janet 1.1i Kimball Road Ve1tal XY French; Dean's List , One or the origmal "' '"' 'P \tompeN. Ilouse Dorothy 100 LI'Tlhur.l Ave. ' vr3cu\e 'y llo<torv. llomton Franklin ~~;~:~fan Place ~ccounhng; CB- II'inler and pring Weekend Commottee, llarpur ollege was good for me , I learned a lot about hie- before 1 was onlv natve; nuw f1u " cyruc. llrab Irene i1.1 Roosevelt \l'e Carteret ' ·l · lli'ilorv. lludson \larv Jean 110.57 Schang nd Ea't \urora XY Engli\h and General Literature. ln~abam Robert So henan~o ~t Greene XY Jakel David 1-1 -10 9-1 . t jackson llei~ht X.Y. Johnson Gaol 3 Knickerhocker Plainview '-:Y lohn;on, jo;eph no =I Coleman Rd . Bin$amton, X.Y. Jone; Keith 1().1 Park Drive L' lica :'\Y Philosophv. Jurkow'ki usan 910 Prendergast jameslO\\'Tl 'y Kales Gerald 2().1 Le!.ter \'e Johnson City '\Y ~KJ·~~-~~!n \ ve Bron• :\\' Theater Literature; Dean's Li\t , lionor Holl , .reen Dragon; Colonial Plovers, Dru1ce Croup, ki Club. Spring Re1 uc, Fall Revue. Follie ; The ~lute Kaplitz Robert 3CJOO Bailey Ave Bronl ' 'Y Ps~choloey ; WR \F. WIIH\\'-F\1 ~/)~~~~~~~~~~ 'e" York '\\' English and General Literature Ka Barrv 120 Bede!J t w... t Bab,lon 'y \nlhropol~. Dean's List . STO, llarpur Revue. Ka\S Sheri 1611 Bav Parkway Brooki)'Tl " ' · Kasten Seth &5-11 Palo \Ito t. llolli<. X.Y. \lusic organ); Dean' • List; Chorus, Collegilun \1u<icum; "\Vha' can I say?'' Kat kin Su..an Vida 13 \larcv Street Bloomfield '\I English and Ceneral Literature Kaufman llerbert II Brighton t Brooklm 3.5 XY Kellman Ieven 3.51 \\enue ~I Brooklm :\'Y En~li'h and General Lit. ; Granted Junior llonoN, nior ll,ono,.., Progran1, President Jlarpur hapter Delta i~a Rho-Tau Ka_Ppa Alpha. Dean ' List, llonor Roll ; Edotor-on-Chief llarpur Re>1ew. Prose Editor Clarendon, Debate Socoety, Tennl\ Team. tudent