Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

Puhhtaloom lloord : Gloria \huuh i\ a \IC tr.m\ient. Kenneh Patritia lJ Belinda Court '\orth Bah,(on '\l F.n~h.Ja Literature Joumali,m. Dean\ L.i\t . \II tht• \\ orld\ a p•ur of -.hadt\ . ".\ Uhereth GclthonoeL ai'a t>lemon ane.thma"· Kent thrvn 60 RO\ewood Terrace R<><·he,ter '\\ !.:lear Ido .'J,)- 16 71 . treet Queen\\\ , \t-c..-ount•n~~ Bu\10~\ Kltm \lark 17:!1> Ea\1 2-Ith . Brooi.I'11 2lJ \\ Chemc\tr> Dean\ Li,t , \'anch c...,..,.c ountn , tmck team . Kleban \anc\ I 197 Grand Concoune '"" \ork \\ ~~~nr:~r.~fh,e,n. Brookh11 \1 En~:h,fl and General Lcterature l.:oemg I Iarold 359 Jacl«>c\' \ve We t IlemP'te. d \\' Bcol"!!' . Dean\ u,t , VaNtV Track. Chaonnan Hall Counce( , SCB. Chairman · B. Co-chaonnan of Wmter \\ eekend 1966, Spnn~ Weekend I<J66, and Summer Weekend 1006, Thank you to \htchell Trio, \IJQ. Odetta, Camhrid~e Circus and \'i<kc l.:om~:er Stephen 115 Leffert' \ve Brooklm, \ \ t:nl(h<Ji. Jcmior llonon, Feature EDitor of \ , Poetn Editor of Clarendon, Ilarpur Re'ie", . tudent Puhlicahon\ Board. linen clerk; Pia' ct . Sam Konuk Burt ~:;oR~~:~.a~l '\l Kramer Barrv 2 Lio;a Lane \e" Cch '\\ lh\lon: Dra~:on Socceh , Dean\ Li t. etc., The C\ Edctor-In Chcef. l ' , '\atoonal Student \ ·iation Commcttee Chairman, Baccatia member ' icl. lntr.unura), One vveek after enterin~: "' a freshman, I wrote a fooli\h letter about Padd"\ Wake which ""' maliciou\h edcted h\ ,\nd\ Be~­ man ' ' a 'reo.ult , I ""' kidnapped "cth Pete Corem) to Cuba, \ \ .. almO\t heat the kidnap("'" hack to campu' and had to JOin Baccacia and hecome edctor of the C\ to V~ndccate m\\elf. Kreh' Kathleen 16 Talcott . t \(0!\Cna \J' Kremdel Ellen IfH-H 73 h' moe Flu hm~: \\ KriLmof,ki Ronald lll'l Cher>l Drive Binl(hamtoo \1' Economic- KrotO\kv \lichaele 5.315-15 Avenue Brooklm \'\ Soccol~ Dean' l."L Chaonnan - 11.-cdt·nt-e Ilall l..e' Comnuttt-e. SCB \\'mter and Spnn!( \\ eekend Ccxnmcttee meda' f'llt"Ome lMtk and do a '<>l:colo~t·al . tud' of tht• IlarJ>ur .olle~e mcnont~ ~:roup' the , \nwrit.cn \t·~ro and tht• \\ \W Kulka Jame' 126 E I 1'1 t Bron• ' ' K\\an Tem li2 terlcng Road Elmont'\\ !!•nl~· . '>('B \ ' cce-Ch.urman, Coloocal Plaver.. Gcrl\ Semtt• Soronh Sen.il-e Chamnan Teach laul(hter LakO\ll'\ , \la~ll\ <JOO Court trect l'tcca. \\ Bioi_~ · Dean_ U t. C<H:a~tam \\\lmmin~ t<.•oun . (;oliard\ \lt·n\ Soc cal Cluh, 5, nthron11ed S" '"' Sho", To L.. I like \lm-.hme. Lam Iluon~: Phan 31 Elmwood \"enue Ithaca, \ \ La her, Barbara nnett . \ \ \lath. Dean\ l.ivt . \\ R. \ , La''CIIe · •II' R.FD 2 Sarat~a Sprcnl:'. \ \ Law\On, Dian Bo• 212 \ Rd 2 Cana.<tota. \ \ Leaderman. Errol 91 Bateman Street \lount \lemon, '\ \ BcolO!(_V Lehman, Robert k7 Oovi'iion Street \m,terdam, \ \ Political cence. Dra1:011 Socceh. Dean\ Li<t. l' ... <.. Rep. and Fir.t \'it-e Pre\ident. Y01cn1: Republican Pre"dent . Je""h Fello" · \hip, German Cluh: I cau\ed the Faculh Senat to meet twcce en 011e da\ I quct l ' ...C., upported D Docck lor Preo.cdent . ""' re..-le<:ied. tht·n elected Eint \ 'ice Pr.-cdent Lebo,ntL, \lcchael I 11- 16 i3 \venue Flumin~. '\ \ Political Sccen<-e. Lehner, John 155 \orwood A\'enue \lal\'eme, \ \ Lectner, \fare 2-1 10 Barker \venue Bronx, '\\' Lectner, Sherri J3i·l 0<-ean \,·enue Broolclm. \ \ Engli<fl Literahcrt Levine, Janet 27 Rockawav Tumpcke Lawrence, \ \ pani\h Language and Literature: Dean ·, Li t . Judiccal Re' ce" Board Recoriler and Sencor Ju,tcce, L S.(. Rep. . lf-R~. Donn Hall ouncil , Cafetena Commcttee: Oh \'OU u11ared babe\ that inhahit. the protectcve wall of a coll~e. \'Oil c01nplacn of , ·our burd n! \re ~'Ou «> "eak that vou cannot <-arT) a pebble!