Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
Le,-me. Lann\ 13!1 \\all St reel ~~~~;:~,' 6-an·, Ll\l Pre<>ident and Tre•w•re of ~10 \len\ S.x:•al Cli 1 h, Onenlallon \ dv.-or.Tenni\ Team. Orche\tra. \\'md Ell\cmhle: JCDSIIIIG.. ~'~ : ~~~::1t~:l \ Jham . ' r \lathemallt' Len. Jonathan LlS Brom River Road Yonker\, '\ Chenmt.- Lich,tein. \Jan :2979 \1arion h -enue Bronx, '\ Ucl, John 1.39 Crand \venue Pearl Rl\ cr. ' .\ Undenfeld Stanle\ 21 -19 79th Street ' East Elmhur<l ' ' Chemi\tn: ; Dean\ Li\t ~ Trealiurcr, \'ice-Pre\ident , and Pre\ident of the <><lean Sociel~ , SF\ tutor u,; o.,;d 3().1 Oak ll ill \ ve Endkott '\\ Uving-.tone Chri\lme RD \ (Iller Rd Ca\tleton-on-llucl<nn. ' \ \ l u'i"it Locknd~e Thoma\ RD 2 River Rd \ l ar~\ '\ r . Locwenstem Beth .allev ll ill Road Cudd'eha~kville \\ Politic·al &~enc·e; Dean' List , Dra~on Societv. Who\ \\'ho m ~merican l ' niverv•lle,, 2nd VP of l'S •• Vke-Chairman SCB. Pre<>• dent - John\on llall. Pre<>ident - Dela\\are llaiL Treasurer Je"i'h Fello\1\hlp. Pre<>1dent \\ omen\ lnt llall Counc1L FS.\ . l'SC. , S.\ , cle<:tiom.. Forelt!Jl tudent\, Senior .ommittee. Communication\ ComnHttee, Chairman of Fall Onentalion 1966, \\' inter \\ eekend Committee, Sprm~ Weekend Comm1ttee, track team. lon~e't l"t of a ~hv.he. m ·Yearbook, \ P International llall, I am one of the onh people to '"n an all campus l' · , ele~tion \\llhout c ' endorvement . l>lea!>e don' t eat the dai\le\. I went \i\ \lrai$1 <cme<ler\ and happen to like llarpur. If )OU ha,·e to ~ut for \pace· the underlined one< are mO'>l important Louck!, Robert 2(}.1 ll ud<on t \ 'TaCU\e '\ '\' Ceo!~ Dean\ List. Va.-il) Tra~k Team : Football . Ba.\kethall . LuJJ0\1 Judllh 1510 Beech Street ,\ tlanllc Beach \\ L\1ras Soteri"' 21S Court Street Bin$a.mton \\ \ lackechnie Luc•lle 59 Kin~ton he Port Jervi< \\ En~lish and General Uterature;_Dean's l.i\l , I lonor Roll , partiCipant in Jumor and wmor llono.- m Literature; Dorm Council Rep.• Dorm Counc1l Secreta~ . Re.1dence IIall Conslltulion Committee \l agalnick Harold 1-155 Pelham Pkw) Bron< ' ' ~~~r~~~:~. Lc~~;~~aTc~.~·:.~·~~~·('{~·d~~~,~n~~~·'~,!t'~i Bm$amton tate \ lental 110\p•tal. \1 a~inn"' Lei$ I 15-l Lo" ell Road Schenectad~ , , . \ 1a!(liore, RO'>emarv 192.5 \l uliner \ venue Bronx. ' ·" 111\to.- . Dean\ List ; . tudent Coun\elor; ' e"1nan Club, lliston Club \ ' ice Pre\ident, Dom> Council \ dvi,or · '.l ahonev Dame! I I Creenwa\ Terrace Forest Ihils " Gennan \l allo\ William 21 Franklin tree! \liddletown " \ lann Sulllnne j'f..J-4 Au'itm t Fore<! lhlls ' \ \largulis \laril\ll 71!-11 Ke" Fore<! Lane Fore\! lhlls 'I' P~Ycholog<.; Dean· . Li~t . Pwchol~ lab a " tan! . Pwcholog<. Club. . F\ - tutor. b1~ \ivler, Saturda' program. ]e\11\h FeiJo,\\hlp, Democrahc L1heral Club, End•cott Third Floor Cultural lub- Trca.\'\lrer, I \\il\ in Endicott ba\ement when it \ank . \larvhall . Kent 'orth Ro-.e " ' \l a\011 Richard RD I Calfert\ Jlill Endic'Ott " ' \ccountm~; Dean' s Li~t. \latthew\ Harriet 1420 Cr Con<'Our<e Bronx ' " Spani<h; Dean\ List ; FY tutorin~. Judicial Board. Datta. \1a.1ur Lawrence lliE8!1 .heet Brool<lm " ' Pwchololt' ; End\1nion Soc1eh , Went fr01n prohallon to Dean'• List by exerci~m~ <undrv spirits. e t al ... :'\e cede malis; omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in ill is. \lcCabe John 1.5 Olive l johnson Cit) '\Y Econom•"'• no\\ &ulpture Conte<>! , Intramural lootball ; I "'" one of the origmal wamp Stomper\. \lcCo\ Barbara 119 Bi" t Peek<kill 'I \ 1<-Cinms \la.- 52 C:ambrid~e · \ ve Carden r,tv , ,. \ nthropol~·. Dean\ List; \1ldironi,zed \\im Club Pres•dent, Student C.oun-.lor; I -.nt that Valentine card to E.F \lcCovem Ann Z-10 Pac1hc t \ la""pequa Park " ' \ lcLaughlin Rep:inald 19 Re1lh Street \\' e~t hli p '\\ Bioi~
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