Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

\tc\hllan Ralph 62 Church . t ()., J:O \\ \lc\c.t Robert R" r Road Lt bon " lh tory;. retary of TAl' , Ill tory luh retary, .olonial \ew Stud nt Coumelor; E.(, \1 \leeker C r)!. lO'i Kno~t "'. End1cott " . nnan Ut~rature . \lelnoch k Beth · T'""' Lane . tat n I land " P<\cholog)-. , ..S. lh tolian. l ' ..C barter .omm•ttee, P )' · chol"'!:' Club, ruor K ~ Comm1ttee; Comment from a fli nd. Too much red Bettv , 6 \ .\1 .!!!, .b ' al"a\ runnm)!. to a " john", \hck ami 2.'l-6R 200 treet Ba\\ld '\ En-~h h nd .eneral Literature; Dean ' Lt t , Dan Group. S.F \' ., Volunteer m State II p•tal \1.Uer Bomta 3-20 141 St JamaK-a 35 " ' En~h\h-Spani.h- \rt holar\h1p 'omm , \\ mter Review I , SFY Ch and Confu on. ord r. \hll r Fredric 115 Lt-nox Rd Bmokl•11 \"Y IIi torv: Dean' U\t , \\'oodrow Wi1<011 retarv R idence llall Ke\ omm•tt , entral Appellate Board. " .uy aod Doll " htude; lmal(lnation snd Love- m that llJ torv; llonor Roll ; I h ton lub Pr •dent ; Came · to know aod lo- llarpur after findmg 11 nnpossihle to Iran fer Dr. Shefftz knew my name, and I helped lount ) .T 0 \Iiiier .erald 1053 Quentm Place Woodmere\') \lath mallcs; De n' u,t I , 2. 3, 4. 6), Woodm.- Wil">>l Fello"' · sh1p 'omm ; .B., WRAF, Bm¢'am Donn Coonc1l, On nta· bon \dv1 r , Definition of a typ•cal llarpur Fr hman : one who pull an all - m~t r before ao on nt lion meetin)!. hecaU>e he didn ' t r d th requ~red boo \11ller '!anton 201'l B\TOn \\ Elmont\"' tudio \rt , B1olog)- . Dean' li t , First Prize in llarpur rt npe- hhon I • PartiCipated m the 20 onkhn \v . tnp Poktr game. I ate the mint\ and hked them. I hunll my laundry out 1de Brand \ewing in my Junior year I camp.ed out m front of \\'hit ne~ llall. I wa Runked hv bOth \luell " ~~liB!~~nnu vracuse \\ Art lh tory; C:olomal \ taff \lirabito J06eJ>h 21 We\t cott t 'orwich \'\' \hranda Anth m 113 I r\\inwood Lan er \') .ennan. fonnerlv BioiO!t' : ' \' S. holar In nh,e, Endvm•on\ \thletic lwnnan, Intramural · football , w1mmm~~o has(ethall , handball, Intramural Ref ree and al , \e.-man luh. Judo lub, \len ' Judicial Board. ~·tt;nlf.l~ tr t Bm!!hamton \\ Phii.:..Ophv: llonor Roll Febn•arv and July l'l66 me te". \lorehou.se , lh I Kingston Avenu Pou~leeps• , \ Y En~li<h and .eneral Ltt rature . \1 ""' \larshall l()6.t \leadow La aford '"" \avalick Dougla! 615 Water St \e.. York \'Y 'eenan \lice RD 2 llolcomb '"" \lath; Dean' U t, llonor Roll : 'ewman lub, Donn oundl. 'emov hamev 61 \lountamview , . HaCU \')' \lathemallcs: Dean' Li'll, . . C: B. hlllnnan, Treasurer ), Je"1"' Fellowvup, Dela"'-are Jud1c1al Board \ le Le.-i lOR Radnor Ave .mton-<!ll-Hudson, \ \ 'ewton aria 16 llotchlo t Bm!!hamton \"Y \ifht Elizabeth II tone Road Bm!!hamton '"" \'ile Robert 25 hestnut . t Bin!!hamton \'Y "\olan \hchael 52'l E \llllne Road John<on C1l\ \"Y llu WI , Dean' Ltst. nior ·llonors. "\ordholm Paul 215 tie reek Bm¢1amton \"Y Olds Constance Boxl34 'e..-ark Valley '"" Ohven nthonv 77 Colony Lane y t '""