Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

Sloane 1 '" I ()-.!.ffi n; Road For t lhll " P y~hoi<Jit' Dean U t 6 term R h d and I ~nod 1: J R B. Ch1d JU<IKe ' SO.S ·mallwood Karen Ene Rood \n~la" Soc1al . ·•enc·e , Wh1le at llarpur, I ha,·e le mt'd that ft, mg and "nlm~ are more ful6lhn~ than an~ thin~ I rould P"' 1hh d<l "llh "hat I ha>e tud1ed m•th \mold '}) .') llunl .'lr I Watert0\'11 ' ' En~h'h Literature. m1th Frt'd 29-31l \\ thoume he. Far Roci<Jmav X) h m1 11"1 Oean' U t Pr Klenl of Outdoor Cluh. m1th Jon tha 26 Tomn~on Dr Roch.,.,ter ' ' BIOI<Jit' Dean' U t. Judicial Board, Central \ppellate Board . mith Tunolh\ iPo"r.Rd Bm$amton '"'~ Literature. Soc1al 1ence<>. Dean\ U I , llonol"l Pruwam m Litera· lure, \\oodro" \\1lson Fello" h1p 'ommee. Ba\ehall , ro-\ C.ountl"l. Intramural\, S.F Y Tutor; E'en \tK:h an '"'he lhm~ ._, a balloon "Ill hul"ll 1f 11 e<pan<h too far Lt·t llarpur beware' Smd r Edwa.rd i~Zlkll Blvd Ba' Kle" B•oiCJK' Ut. & Comp llonul"l Cia", Soc XI llonol"l Cia llarpur St·holal"lhip, Dean' L1 t , Demetrean Soc.et~ (Trea , Se<.··~ .. V1ce Pre<> ), Ra<ehall Team. Onentalwn \d..-1\0r ; \h \lnt·ere thank' to Sh1rle> Elh and the llarpur Folhe\ lh Rodne\ 2620 m11h Om Endwell . ') Political ·•en~ : \'arsJtv Tenni . \'a"1t~ Socc-er, Baccaua. Colorual 'e" On ntat100 \dvl r af~ 1 ~hJ~~~~ Lane End" II" 3lo~~r fa~l t '"" York " \nlhropoi<Jit' ~r~~~~:de Dr"e lohn'on C.h. ' ) Pohhc:al Sc•en<..,, \rt, Pohhcal Sc•en<..,. \rt, Pohh~al · ~<·nc . \rt Pohhcal Selene-., . llonor Roll . Dean' Ll I, Pre; Chenan~o Donn h ·de Un<hle\ ,, Off- . mpu Rep . pnn~ \rt 'iho". ' h mnan Pof1t1Cal \frau·.; omm1Ut!<, F S. \ . \cad m1c Dl\C1phn Commit· tee, C.om · ·ahon Comm•Uee. llumamb R ,, ". ~F) To John P. Belmak et. al: to err 1 human ; to fori('' . dmne Prace. To Ill\' '-'lfr. L~nne; Pea~. tandi\h \\ 1lham 255.5 t'dar St Eat \I ado..- " Ph"' . Dean· U t. Pmtoppl 1"1, '""man Cluh, \\'h1tne' llall Ju<l•c•al Board tanlt\ 'ann lOO ECho Rd . \ 'e,tal ' ' ' IOJO~t> lemhe~ J ffre' 'Jjj Bell Court \ alle' I ream ') F.n~h h and Ce•wral Literature. Stemfeld Je<>\lca fl!l -21 li.1 . erect Flu,hm,.. ' ) tern JO;enneth 11 P 1 \\e 'e" York' ' Studio Theater Feature Staff olon1al ' ' '"'· CLm·ndon E<htonal Board, Chrurman of One \<1 • Coloma! PlaH·" \ '" "' PrC\I<It·lll \la1or Role\ Ill The LO\ of Four olonel th Trial, The \lad. "oman of Chaillot, \'olpone, Intramural Ba,kethall OF~ \I.\ Th~ Dl<emhod1ed c·aptam Intramural 'iofthall 'orth O..H·t:n Ram tern ndra 120 \rhuckle \w Ct'darhul"lt " French Literature ]e>mh Frllo" h•p Trea\. PrC\idenl Donn Council Trea .. l ' S.(; Communication> Comm .. Winlt·r \\'ceh·nd and Spring \\..,lend Comm'•·· aml\·al Comm. .( B. ~· •al Comm.. S.F) Bu~ S1 ler Pn>~?;ram and Tutor French ( luh. . tt"ven \rm If! rat~a Rd \\'h11~ Plam " Ent:h.J. and C.eneml L•teralure, \rt SociOIO~t> , Shn\Ofl : ra Lee II; Palamino Dnve Roch.,.,ter. ' ) ~hlelman \II<'<' 1." J29St Brooklm ,.., Ent:hU., \lu « Dean' U\1; horu S.F) Coloma! Pia\~"• Spnn~ ReVIe" 100.1, Spoon Rl\er \nthololt' ~ thr garden cnangm~:, plenrud "' 1l\ chan~n~ Stoller Can i6 Ch pm ·screc·t Bm$amton ,.., tone llenn .>tn; Putnrun Plac Bron' ' ' ~1n;~K~ ~r~:~~ 1.1 C1h ,.., Ri oi<Jit' . u \man Damel .;.r; Kin~ ll"a' Brooklm " Pohhc·al Sc1ence .currenll, B•oi<Jit' {earher1 T \l Soc1al Cluh. u ,man \lich II 6.3 Lt-onard ~~ Buffalo" French Literature. S" I Hamel 715 De" ' \H•nue Roch ler ,.., s... ho lren If! Clarke . I Rm$amton. ' ) F.n~h h. Pohhc:al Sc•en<..,. Pr -Law. Part1 . .raduahon, and 1f '"' ' mu 1 pnnt \Om thmt: "honorable." a.nd onh 1f \011 m 11: Jumor llono" in En~:h h, \R \ Slater- thr ompan~ that Can-. - " In the Pur.u11 ot F.•cell~nce " mmor rontnhuhon of 'not to the U(''''paper ~