Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access
VESTAL I I ~~ ~~ PLAZAJ;Int • • • BEST WISHES TO THE CLASS OF 1967 From these Merchants at Vestal Plaza Arto Barber Shop Barbara Moss Britts Cheese Shop Continental Coiffures Endicott Johnson Fanny Farmer Grand Union Home Dairy Hilger 's Travel Kent Drugs Marine Midland Trust Co. McNeil Music Muddle Puddle Ceramics Radio Shack Resnick 's Rudolph 's Spaulding Bakeries Tom's Texaco Vaughn 's Clothing Investor 's Diversified Stark Realty Varden ' s Portrait Studio Tress Chic Wig Shop Remember, it's less than a mile from our front door to yours 4700 Vestal Parkway East Binghamton, New York 174
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