Harpur College/SUNY Binghamton 1967 College Yearbook (Binghamton, NY) - Full Access

Sinewy entanglements of flora, liquids, decoration and general whatnot succeeded the rigid formality of Victorian England. It wa called Art Nouveau (as is virtually every other artistic movement at its outset). It is softly, gently concerned with gardens, both interior and exterior. Aubrey Beardsly, the ne plus ultra of the movement, raised art to new heights of ribaldry and eroticism. The movement was more than an artistic one; it was philosophic in its unification of life under the banner of design. There was an infiltration of style mto every aspect of existence. The organic quality, the fluid asym- metricality of fulfilled design the lush greenness of Art Nouveau is we feel, an eminently appropriate analogue for the yearbook of Harpur College of the lfmversity Center at Binghamton of the State University of New York (at Binghamton?).