Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Done most for olgate Typical Colgate man Mo { popular Mo t io be admir d tost original i\ to t like! to u ceed lost ersatile (non-athletic) Most thorough gentleman Smoothest Biggest line Handsomest Be { dres ed Best all-round athlete Wittiest i\1o t scholarly Mo t brilliant Best natured Biggest socialite Flashiest per onali t Joe College Mo t desirable honor Toughe t ear 1ost pleasant ear 'lo t valuable subject Least valuabl subj ct Favorite instmctor Mo t efficient in truct 1· l'vlo t needed n w building on campu Favorite sport to play Favorit port to watch Favorite h bby Favorite magazmc Favorite newspap r Favorite b olt Senior's Slants Lawr nee Evans Evans Luchini 'kill D. \\'illiam. Garv y Evan Daw on Gan·c.v E till Pfeilt r linton Garvey R. M. Davis R. l. Davis Jaeger Daws n Sterr H terrett Phi B te ophomore en10r Engli h i\1arriagc & Family Jones and Adams (Tied) Phillips Librar olf Fo tball \\omen Boyce R. mith Garvey Field Adam R. 0' Teil Boyc Briggs Kerr Lowe Place Kerr Jones kill Kennedy Kerr Wemple terrett Murch Murch Konosioni Fre hman Junior Logic Fine Arts Wilson Infirmar Handball Baseball Reading Life ew Yorker Herald-Tribune itadel Time Gone With The \ ind 96