Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
DoNALD WAY E CROUCH McKeesport, Pa. <I>~ f>; <ll; Maroon Key Club; Band (!);Hand– book (I); Au ten Colgate Scholarship (2); Var– sity Wrestling (1). Roa~:RT l{I~IBER CuRTISS Syracuse, N. Y. <I>~ H; Assistant Manager, Hockey (2). \\i ILLIA~I Ht:RNAN CusuiNG (-) X; Fresl1man Basketball. Elmira, N.Y. Ft{A, CIS WRIGHT D'AvtG ·o Lalte Placid, N.Y. <I> K q·; Intramural 135-lb. Wrestling Champion– ship (2). RICIIAllO J\'lOllGAN DAILY Ilion, N.Y. <]l ~ €-); President's Scholarship (1, 2); Freshman Swimming; lntrnmural Swimming Champion, 220-yd. Free Style (2). WALTER DAVIDS, JR. Pleasantville, N.Y. ~ X; Maroon l\:ey Club; Sociology Club (2, 3); Varsity Football (2. 3); Var ity Baseball (2). RoaEnT LEwts DAvis Varsity Tennis (2, 3). ROBERT GERRARD DAWES ~ N. Buffalo, N. Y. Albany,-' . Y. RoaEnT CuAJH.ES DECKELNAN • orth Granby, Conn. A \)' 0; Masque and Triangle (I. 2), Secretary (3). Tuo.'lAS PRICII£TT DE GRAFFE HIED Millet· Place, L. 1., r. Y. isson Mathematical Prize, Second Place; Fresh– man Swimming. ROBERT REID DEw, JR. Ounltirk, . Y. ~ . ; \\ ashington tudy Group (3); First Assistant Mannger, Hockey (2). STEVE DEWEY Belmont, Ma s. .l I; Band (l, 2, 3); Freshman Hocltey; Freshman Ba eball; Varsity Hockey (2, 3). EDWARD HER,\lQN DICKSO I(~ P; Glee Club (I, 2). Arena. N.Y. GEORGE P111LLJPS Do AIIUE Rochester, r. Y. K ~ P; Maroon Key Cluh; 1\'laroon Board (I, 2, 3); B;mter Board (I, 2, 3); Salma_qundi Board (2, 3); Ski Club (1. 2). DoNALD B. D uBors Highlaml, N. Y. ~ Y; laroon Key Club; Ski Club (1, 2), ice– President {3); blount Hermon Club {l, 2), ecre– tary (3); Freshman Track; Freshman J..iing; Freshman Cross-Country; Varsity Skiing {2), Captain (3); Varsity Cl'Oss-Countr (2), Co– Captain (3); Intramural Champion hip in Down– hill kiing (!). CAnLos P. DuN Poughkeepsie, '. Y. ~ X; Maroon Key Club; Fir t Assistant ianager, Football (3); "'l.anager-Eiect Golf (4). Jou KENDALL Du N Oneonta, N.Y. K ~ P; President's Scholar hip (I. 2). HowAIW }AR ESIIEL~IA , J•t. Lancaster, Pa. ~ ; Wrestling Team (l); Intramural 155-Lb. Wrestling Champion (2). EowARD VJCTOll EvANS, fR. • ew York, '. Y. B (·) rT; i"laroon Key Club; Assistant Business 1\\anager, J\'lasque and Triangle; Freshman Bas– ketball; Freshman Golf; Varsity Golf(2); A si·L·mt i\lanager, Winter Track {3). LYo. DouGHTY EvA s Forest Hills, N. Y. ,\ X A; Fre hman Football. JouN GRAY FAwo:TT PlainficlJ, T. J. .\ X ; Glee Club (I. 2, 3). 101
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