Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

EowARD ARniUR FERGUSO .1 ew Bedford, "1ass. ~ X; Sociolog.v Club (3). LOUIS BEN FERRARA Oneida, •. Y. THEODORE LOUIS FERRIS New York, . Y. cJ> r .l; \a que and Triangle (2); Freshman Ba ketball. JosEPH FEws;-.HTH Cle,·eland, 0. <f> r .1; Vice-President, 1aroon Key Club (3); Banter Board (3); Assistant Manager, 71-1asque and Triangle (3); First A istant Manager, Basketball (3). ROBERT M. FI LAY ;\-\errick, 1 . Y. Freshman Glee Club; ,erman Club (2, 3); Presi- dent's holar hip (2). EORGE \\'ILLIAi'\ FISK New York, N.Y. K .l P; alma,qundi Board (2, 3); Freshman De– bate; Washington Study Group (3); President's holar hip (1. 2); Dean's Li t (3). FRA K CoNNOR FoRBES l\1anhasset, N.Y. .l l B; Maroon Board (2, 3); Press Bureau (3); Manager, Fre hman Football (3). \\'tLLIA;'-1 MEAD FoRCE Boonton, 1'. J. AT Q; Freshman Glee Club; l\1asque and Triangle (1, 2, 3); President's holarship (1, 2). FRED E.'tERSO FosTER, Jn. J\-\anha et, •. Y. 0 X; Secretary, Freshman Class; Vice-President, Sophomore Class. JoHN PHILIP Fox Rock.'' River, 0. <(> K li'; Masque and Triangle (1, 2, 3); Banter Board (2); Fre hman Football. DoNALD 1\lALER GALLAHER New York, N.Y. A T Q; Fre hman Debate; Varsity Debate (2); Nasque and Triangle (2); Sophomore Vigilance Committee. Queens Village, N. Y. <J> .1 6; Maroon Business Board (3). \\'ILL!Al'! BRODHEAD GEORGE Verona, '. Y. <I> .1 • ; X U M; <J>; Maroon Key Club (3); Glee Club ( 1, 2, 3); Maroon (I, 2, 3); Fre hman Basket– ball; Golf (1, 2, 3). F. CLAY GIBSON Latrobe, Pa. <I> I' .l; Fre hman Football; Varsity Football (2, 3). RoBERT EDDY GLE:-<DENING Maplewood, '. J. ~ X; l\1aroon Key Club; laroon Board (2, 3); Salma,qundi Board (2, 3); Band (l, 2, 3); Fresh– m;m Debate. ROBERTDouGLASGLE NIE, ]IL Kenmore, .1 • Y. AT Q; X IT I; Freshman Glee Club; alp and Blade (I, 2, 3); ki Club (l); Freshman wim– ming; Varsity Swimming (2); Intramural Breast– stroke Champion (2). WJLLIA;\1 KENNEDY GoODSPEED Hamilton, N.Y. B - rr. ROBERT HALL GosLI, i '. Y. .1 1'; Freshman Basketball; Varsity Basketball (2, 3). LAWRENCE PHILLIP GllEE:-IE Commons Club. Elyria,O. RoBERT lALCOL;\\ GRIGGS \\'hite Plains, .1 • Y. Commons Club; X ~; Fre hman Glee Club; Glee Club (2, 3); Freshman Debate; Band (2); F1·e hman Football. HELDO E. GuiLE Hamilton, •. Y. Fre hman Debate; Varsity Debate (2); Cos– mopolitan Club (2), Vice-Pre idcnt (I); Educator' Forum, Vice-President (2); Colgate Christian As ociation (2); Wa hington Study Group (3); Dean's List (3). 102