Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
RoBERT HrGG!NS Gun EY Brooklyn, . Y. e X; Educator's Forum (3); Sociology Club (3); Freshman Baseball; Freshman· Basketball; Fresh– man Soccer; Varsity Soccer (2, 3). FREDERICK LINCOLN ffACKENBURG, JR. Staten Island, . Y. Cosmopolitan Club {I, 2), Treasurer (3); Sociology Club (3). VICTOR CHARLES HACK EY El Reno, Okla. ~ K E; X fi ~f; Freshman Basketball; Varsity Basketball (2, 3). CHARLES TRUE HA~\ILTON Sociology Club {2, 3). Elizabeth, N. J. E. BE TLEY HMIILTON Peoria, Illinois ~ KE; Freshman Football; Varsity Football (2, 3); Co-Holder Intramural Heavyweight Wrestling Championship {2). Jou FREDERICK HA;-.m Paulsboro, r. J. Fre hman Debate; Ski Club (1). l\lALCOL~I CA:-1PBELL HA NA Freeport, . Y. Freshman Glee Club; Cosmopolitan Club (2, 3); Sociology Club {3). ROBERT BAKER HARBISO Buffalo, •. Y- <[> K ll'; Cosmopolitan Club (I); Freshman Socce•·· RICHARD A OS IIAVJLA D Highland, N.Y. B (-) 11; Ski Club (1, 2, 3); President's cholarship (l, 2); Freshman Football; Freshman Basketball; Freshman Ba eball. ICTOR JA;>o\ES JIAZATID, ]R. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. <l> K ll"; ~ ~ \l'; Maroon Key Club; Treasurer, Junior Cia s; President's Scholarship (l, 2); Freshman Basketball; Freshman Track; Varsit.\• Basketball {2, 3); Varsity Track (2. 3). CARL KERT HEJ s Monticello, N.Y. Commons Club; Freshman Debate; Sophomore Vigilance Committee; President's Scholarship {1, 2); Freshman Basketball. HERBERT FREDERICK HE~\PEL Yonkers, N.Y. <I> I' ~; X H M; Freshman Football; Varsity Football (2, 3). JAl'lES DoNALD HENRY, JR. Lakewood, 0. <I> J( \) ; --' .6. ll'; Sophomore Vigilance Committee, Secretary (2); Var ity Golf (2); Intramural &xing Championship, 145-lb. Class (2). HowARD WrLLJAl'! HERi'1AN Etna, Pa. <I> I'~; Fre hman Football; Varsity Football (2,3). ROBERT JA~>IES HODGSON Glen Falls, N. Y. A XA; Debate Team (l); Assistant Business Mana– ger, Handbook (3); Sociology Club (2); Washing– ton Study Group (3); Freshman Soccer . i'IARSHALL DuDLEY HoLBROOKE Narberth, Pa. J'-lATTIIEW \VJLSON HowARD Jamestown, N. Y. Be fl; Intramural Golf Champion (3). ALBERT YO EY JALKUT New York, N.Y. Glee Club. CnARLES JoHN HuGHES, JR. Bouckville, 1 . Y. K ~ P; Band (I, 2, 3); Orchestra (I); Sociology Club (2, 3); Freshman Soccer; Freshman Track; Freshman Football; Varsity Basketball (2, 3). ARTHUR WJLLIA.'t JouNso Bridgeport, Conn. Commons Club; (I>; Student Union Council (2); Austen Colgate holarship (1); Dean's List (I); Alpha Chi 'igma Chemical Prize (2). RoBERT JosEPH JOHNso Johnson City, i . Y. ~ ::\; Ft·eshman Football; Varsity Football. CnAJ'I. GooowJ:-~ JoNES Short Hills, N. J. ~ h: I<:; Sophomore Vigtlance Committee (3). 103
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