Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Coley (Secretary), Reeds (President), Buck (Vice-President), Wattles, (Treasurer). Sophomore Class History Deferred rushing, and the Class of '-!1 became guinea pigs. \Vith the inaugmation of the beautiful and long-awaited J. C. Union Building a new type of activity for the Col– gate yearling was born. The Grst big freshman dance brought the Hudson-DeLange Orches– tra to the nion for Winter party. In the fall we returned as sophomores to teach the incoming class that college life is not a bed of roses. On the football field we had Buck, Coley, Hoague, Cabrelli, Donnelly, Gar– vey, and Van Loan, all of whom starred for Andy Kerr. When in the depths of winter Konosioni decided to take over the activities of the Sopho– more Vigilance Committee, there was indeed a howl. Tradition was going to the dogs; the very foundations of the school would crumble1By this time we had experienced the dreaded "hell-week" and were safely initiated into our fraternities. The surprising showing of the hockey team was aided in no little fashion by Coley and LeFevre at defense and Jack Wells on the forward line. Then there was the ski team with Knapp and Young - - In basketball we had Fawcett and Buck in the starting line-up. There was a near riot as the freshmen came within one point of beating us in the inter– class basketball game. The thing ' hich the green lidders seemed to resent was Rupp's time-keeping. Two bad snowstorms failed to interrupt the steady trips of Gerson to ara– toga. Our Phi Betes, Blackmore, Slade, Reinsmith and Webb, helped keep up the academic tandards, while Al Jenks and his orchestra continued to uphold the musical end. Ill
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