Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

mith (Pregjdent), Hof (Secretary), Sharp ( Vice-President), Lockett (Treasurer). Freshman Class History We wore our green hats and black ties (because the Vigilance Committee insisted) ; we said "hello" (to all the men in white hats) ; we misbehaved, just like any other typical Col– gale freshman class; and, to top off our record, we did many things that will make us go down in history. Tn athletics, the following members of our class distinguished themselves: Ham Davis, Bob Meeker, Fred Graber, Bill Geyer, Bill Chernichowski, Hank Zittel, Bob Taft, Bi11 Foster, Bill Haigh, Charlie Tracy, Bill Burto, Don Schenk, and Gene Ratcliffe. Our hockey team went through a highly successful season, winning all but one game. According to Dex Teed, we have some of the best writers ever to come to Colgate. mong those gifted with journalistic talen l are: Bruce Goewey, Fred Sharp, Dick Ged– ney, Bill Roberts and Don McVeigh. Our cia s has one of the highest geographical distributions of students in Colgate his– tory, including men not only from far points of the nited ta tes, but also John Noble from the Philippines and Oscar O'Neill from Rio de Janeiro. We have not neglected social activities, having put ove•· two highly successful house parties, and two one-night dances at the J. C. Union. uch playboys as Johnny Dix, Dave Lockett., Jce Knepper, Fen Pierce, and Johnny Leverich helped to make these affairs the successes they were. Mention must also be made of Chadie Rathbun and his drums, who will long be remembered by those living on the hill. In recapitulation, we can say with sincerity and truth thai the class of' 42 is, and will continue to be, one of the most outstanding Colgate clas es since 1819. 112