Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
The Powers That Be Mr. Tu•cl, Eva ns. Dean Kallp:ren (Pr siclenll, La wrence, Mr. I. illll'fidd . OFFI ER NDMEMBER Pre.ridenl Trea.rurer ecrelar:v Hugh A. Bryan '09 . . Dexter H . Tee<.l '2-! Dean arl A. Kallgren John W. . LiHlefield Lloyd R . Lawrence '39 Rob ri . Evans '39 Prime advi ory body to non-athletic fundions on the campu , the tudent Activitie Council is also the steadying force whose power is turned on campus politic . I is duty i to minimize political string-pulling and give the average student a chance for campus office . The Council supervi e all elections in non-athletic activities with the exception of the tu– dents' Association an<.l the Christian Association. One of the outstanding advantage of this body i that it p rsonnel i made up of ma– ture individual , who do not repre nt any parti an inter ts . Dean arl A. Kallgren rep– resents the admini tration, and is pr idenL The alumni are repre ented on the Council by Mr. Hugh A. Bryan '09 of herburne . Other members of the group are th pr ident and vice-pre ident of the tudents' Association, the University treas– urer, and the diredor of journalistic adivities . \\'hen eledions are held, recommendaLions for candidates are ob– tained from all per ons having anv respon ible connection with th organization . The Council is not bound, however, to accept recom– mendations . The candidate are u ually interviewed . On this ba i of all available information the ouncil attempts to make a choice. The Council plays an important role in electing men to leading positions in the variou journalistic adiviti , as well as th manager of the musical group , the Ma que and Triangle, an<.l other campu organizations. The Council al o awards the highly-prized " " charms given each year to tho e m n who have been outstanding in their particular field . 11 5
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