Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Movie$, Missionaries, Money Bark Row : Kreitler, Roberts, McCartney, Chapel. Front How: ' isler, Dean Kallgren, Faus (President), Mr. Freeman, Walker. "This morning it will be our pleasure to hear Dr. Norman Thomas, who appears through the courtesy of the Christian As ociation." This chapel introduction by Dean Kallgren pre ented another of the many activities of t.he Colgate "Y" to the student body. Under– takings which range from deputations, chapel programs and participation in state confer– ence as well as movies, and magazines for the infirmary, are all a part of the work of the Christian Association . Jot! \\'. FAus Pre.ridr:nl, (.'hri,rlian ,l .r.rocialion Although there was no freshman camp this year, nevertheless, the "Y" contributed a large par( of the instruction during Orientation Week . ports and group meetings on fraternities, scholar hip, religion and extra– curricular participation were a few of the benefits which the green-lidders derived from the C . C . A. leaders . Vesper services at. intervals in the college year were an important. pari. of the religious work of the "Y." Dr . Clausen, DuHon and Luccock favored three dif– ferent. Sunday afternoon audiences with messages, while, through the efforts of Walter Chapel '39, such out– standing chapel speakers as Dt·. Thomas, Dr. Stockdale and the welcome "Jim" Ellenwood, addre ed the stu– dent . The Deputation team led by Albert \V. Mc– Cartney '40 and James Webb '·H was also of invaluable assistance in spreading the religiou doctrines for which the Association stands. The annual banquet and the yearly Mother's Day ser– vice were both more largely ai.i.ended than ever before, to thus justifY the worth of their pre entation . How– ever one of the most outstanding services which was 118
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