Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

rendered by the Association, was a drive for contributions for the education of Chinese students. Through the efforts of President John W. Faus '39 and faculty advisors Kallgren, Adams, Freeman and Keene, an appeal for funds was made in chapel, and a sum of over $200 was collected . Magazines, newspapers, radio repairs and countless other details which bother infirm– ary attendants were all cared for by the Christian Association, while an old clothes dt·ive before Christmas was another addition to the Social Service program of the "Y." This de– partment was under the direction of Robert H. Wright '40. The long winter months were enlightened by the schedule of movies which was offered by the Association free to the student body. Outstanding pictures of former years were shown in Lawrence Hall and were under the supervision of George H. Sisler '39. In a larger vein, the "Y" was very active. President Faus was secretary of the State "Y" and also was Colgate's representative to the Student Christian Assembly ofN. Y. State. Large Colgate delegations attended State conferences in Union at Schenectady, and Ma– roon "Y" members were kept advisedof state news through the publicity department which was controlled by John F. Roberts '40. This year the Freshman I "Y" was revived, and it sponsored programs which featured speeches on Colgate tradition . Under the guidance of Arthur Robins, president, the green– lidders brought such speakers as Bill Reid, Andy ]{err, and Professor Whitnall to their gatherings. Furthermore, Sunday evening programs and coffee hour were succe sfully held and were under the direction of Michael Supa '-!0. These activities, coupled with the efforts of the officers who, in addition to President Faus, were George H. Sisler '39, vice-president, Robert \V. Kreitler '40, secretary, and Berrisford H. Walker '39, treasurer, cemented the position of the Colgate Christian Association as a moving force both on the campus and in the state. Perhaps no organization on the Colgate campus is less appreciated than the C. C . A. Its annual drive for membership in the fall is usually well subscribed to, but apparently only because the dues are set at merely a dollar per member. Yet there can be no doubt concern– ing the service that the association render during the school year. Guiding the freshman upon the very day of his arrival, entertaining the entire school during the cold winter stretch when entertainment is otherwise lacking, sponsoring the tops in chapel programs and spread– ing the teachings of Christianity around the countryside are all indispensible activities and without them all would feel that there wassomething lacking. As part of the larger Y. M. C. A. organization, membership in the campus "Y" carries with it the opportunity to stay at any "Y" at a reduced rate. Nothing is more illustrative of the exemplary work done by the C. C . A. than the fine vesper services pre– sented during the past year. The first one took place on the Sunday before Thanksgiving when popular Doc– tor Bernard C. Clausen was the speaker. Dr. Clausen struck his usual winning note by pointing out that it is small wonder that the Bible is not read more widelv due to the numerous mutilations that it has been expo;ed to through the centuries. The second vesper service featured the dynamic Re . Rolland N . Dutton and took place just before the Christmas holidays. Using Andy Kerr's famous de– scription of his 1932 "dream Team," "undefeated, un– tied, unscored on, uninvited," as his text, Dr. Dutton pro– ceeded to draw an analogy with Christ, who also was "undefeated, untied, and unscored upon." To give an idea of the type of entertainment that the "Y" offers the campus in their annual series of movies, the following are some that were presented during the past year: "The Buccaneer" with Frederic March, Alice Faye in "You're a Sweetheart" and Deanna Durbin in "One Hundred Men and a Girl," supported by Leo- GEoRGE H . Stsi.ER pold Stokowski and the Philadelphia Orchestra. T'ice-Pruidwl ChriJ'Lian d J'J'ocialion 119