Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
On a whole, the year wa on of generalities. "Banter" writers are adept at generalizing. Their words are meant for the world . Under Editor Ferree and Managing Editor Gus Na– smith was an able literary and art staiT, composed of mo t of the humorously bent gentlemen f the campus. Art Editor Bob Ritter, handed out some of the better covers of recent year, aided by Bud Donahue. Dutch Krug and Peale Haldt, Gordy Boyce, Joe Fewsmith and Bob Pfaff turned out material in quantitie . Tom is on, Jim Cleveland and Dick Gedney also hown n the Board . Bud Arn dorf often turned from his column on the "Mar n" to give hi talent to the "Banter" in vera! top-notch ports article . Notable among these wa the pre-Cornell game expose of the football machine of the competing schools. lnterlaced with it ribbing articles, and its puritanical fight for a b Her Colgate were the clever cartoons, many of which found their way to the page of national magazines . The whole thing was padded up with the cr am of the contemporar jok sand other varied humor of less ea ily defined t p . Up to date comments by the editors and fertile t rie on houseparties compl t d the offerings of the ear. All the e thing contributed to raise the standard of the " Banter" to that of one of the college's top publications. BANTER B ARD Editor-in-Chief , l/anaging Editor Bu,rinu..r ,7/anager Feature Editor .drt Editor , J..r.ri.rtant /lrf Editor /l ,r.ri..rtant Bu,rine.r.r ,7/anager..r harles E . Ferree, Jr. Augu tu Nasmith Richard Martin F. Gordon Boyce Robert RiHer Peale Haldt Wallace Tribken, laude Burnett JUNI R BOARD G . P. Donahue Joseph Fewsmith Henry Lyman Robert Pfalf ( t right. top to bottom) CHARLES E. F ERR EE, Rdilor-in-Chit} R oBERT C. RITTER, ,Jrt Rdilor RICHARD J. MARTI , Bu.rinu.r . IJanagu 13 1
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