Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Footlight Parade Back How: Murch, Baker, Roehrs, isson. Third Row: Young, Rupp, Deckleman, hamberlatn, James. Second Row : Fo><, Fewsm1th, VanDyke, J aeger. Front Row : Remick, Boyce, Mr. Speirs, Garvey (Pre ident), O'Neil. "Loo e your arm 1 Leave me . I will away . Hal Glorious liquor, Tam your forever." With these words, Edward Middleton, converted inebriate of the century-old melodrama, "The Drunkard," exited from the olgate Music Hall amid the guffaws and catcalls of a peanut-tossing audience during Ia t pring' commencement exerci es . Middleton, por– trayed by Edward J . Garvey, Colgat 's for most thespian, outwitting the John Murch's villainous Lawyer Cribbs, kept his nlookers in a tate of bedlam and thus ended the annual Masque and Triangle a on in a blaze of glory . In fact, so well received wa this master– piec of blood and thunder that it was repeated the following Octob r th on the campus and before the Elks lub of Oneida . Alternating with Garvey and 1urch in the leading male roles were resp ctively Robert D ckleman and Gordon Boyce. upporting parts were well taken by Dud James, and Bill Jaeger, a convincing barfly . Leading female roles was played by olgate's sweetheart, Betty Fitchen. The annual winter production was herwood Ander on's "Petrified Forest," affection– ately called "Deadwood" by its cast . Bill Force and Mrs. Agnes Garret on assumed the leading romantic roles . Again, campus opinion registered favorably . As part of the traditional Mother's Day ceremoni s, Masque and Triangle anticipates pre enting the r cent release, "Our Town ." In addition to the outstanding work of the performer , a word of commendation is quite appropriate for the unseen but indefatigable production staff under the able management of Dave Remick and Jack Fox . Every production staged during the past year was greatly 132