Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

The Quartet Me lelland (Accompanist), Walker, Allen, Garvey, Miller. The annual Glee lub C ncert was given in Memorial Chapel on the twenty-eighth of February. This year marked something new in musical presentations at olgate. For the concluding el dion Profes or Roberts combined the chool ymphony Orchestra and the Fre hman Gle Club with the Varsity Glee Club in a stin·ing rendition of Edward Greig's "Landsighting." Another high pot of the program was the interpretation of Ruben- tein's " raphic Song" by the Var ity lub, guest contralto, Mildred Ueltschi, and violin soloists, Walter impson and Joseph DiTiberio. In the spring a trip was taken to BuiTalo to sing be– fore an appreciative audience in the fam d Buffalo Athletic Club. Director Thomas Roberts can well be proud of the ex– cellent job he has done in building up a group as excellent as the 1939 glee club. Particularly noteworthy is the fad that the club's repertoire this year featured the more popular glee numbers in place of the too often used sacred and religiou number of the past. oloists were Lewis Brehaut, Robert Kreitler and Carol haver, with Frederick William performing a( the keyboard as accompanist. Director Thoma Roberts was abl. a isted by student leader Berrisford Walker, and student manager, Roger \Villiams. The quartet composed of Bill Allen, Bob Miller, d Garve and Berry Walker took numerous trips during the winter eason. The group presented programs before bu ine s clubs and large individual audiences and were acclaimed throughout the state. ROGER H. WILLIA~1S .llanager 135