Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

They Had The Last Word Back Row: Guile, White, Carpenter, Mulford. Second Row : Bonney, Baumbusch, Williams, Ryan, Cole. Front Row : Ayrault, Atkinson, Dr. Garland, Pcrlcc (Manager). The w rds " 1utual Broadcasting ystem" faded into the distance. There was a moment's pause. Then the voice of the announcer began, "At this time from the campus of the University of Penn ylvania \ e bring you a debate between teams representing Colgate University and the University of Pennsylvania. The subject. to be discussed is 'Resolved: That the American nations should form a league of nations.' - - - Representing Colgate will be John P. tkin on and Willard E. Perlee - - - -" These words opened a national broadca t which transmitted another of Colgate's 1939 intercollegiate debates over the air– ·waves. Again thi year Colgate was a leader in the Eastern Intercollegiate Debate League which included teams from Bowdoin, Brown, LafayeUe, Bucknell, M. I. T., and kidmore. ,'\\anager Perlee al o arranged a very satisfadory schedule of extra-league arguments with such outstanding opponents as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1arqueUe, S racusc, and Cornell, in matches at Hamilton . On a southern trip the Maroon orator engaged Tennessee, Ran– dolph-1\\acon, Duke, \\ inthrop, Wake Forest, and Richmond. A Christmas tour included mecis with Fordham, . C . N . Y., Rutger and Columbia. A "pump-priming" round table discussion at Colgate Inn, a round table discu sion at Wells college, the Delta Sigma Rho national convention, and the 1\\odel S nate were also attended by member of the olgate squad . At th Model enate onvention in Washington, D . ., on March lO and 11, Wil– lard Perle wa elected president for the coming year. With such engagements L recall, it is little wondet· that Colgate varsity debating, under the guidance of Coach Jasper V. Garland, has one of the highest ratings in the East, and is still moving up the ladder to the peak of forensic achievements. 138