Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
A. .P., U. P., I. N. S. Back Row : Forbes, Boyce. Front Row: • isler, Teed, Arnsdorf. Look on any sport pag A Colgate star, dressed in football regalia, glares at you as he supposedly is about to crash the line. A flashy forward poses, ready to swish a long one through the basket. A pitcher winds up, all set to send a fast one down the alley. And then there's a catchy write-up, a new story telling you about Colgate and its student leaders . Who's responsible? The Press Bureau . With H. E . (Bud) Arnsdorf '39 as head assisted by George isler, Frank Forbes, and Jack Quick, the Press Bureau has a difficult task each year. However, through their conscientious efforts the name of olgate is put in every leading newspaper in the country . Notable among the pres bureau's accomplishments this vear was the story n the football player who fell out of bed and broke his hand . From the usual thing, a boy falling out of a bed, to a story worthy of print in such haughty publications as the New York Times and to be br adca t ver the radio fr m coast to coast is an accompli hment worthy of great praise . Little known to the campus as a whole, the press bureau keeps the name of olgate, the little college with the big reputation, before the newspaper-reading public every day of the year. Their part is as important as that of the men who make the fame that the bureau broadcast . Green-Lidders Guide The cene : A ociate Dean Howlett's office. The dean i speaking to a freshman: "And in thi little red book, John, you will find many things, such as the college song, the cheers, the sport schedules, a list of department heads, and an airplan view of the camp– us . Most important, you will find the course, which, if con cientiously adhered to, will make your college days most succes ful and happy . The b k, because it contains so many facts, has been named ' the freshman's Bible.'" For the ambitious green-lidder the Handbook gives the requirements and points the wa for membership in the senior honorary societies. Rules and regulations concerning letter in all the sports are incorporated under the sports section . AI o clearly explained are the functions of the tudents' As ociation and the Pan-Hellenic ouncil. The rule concerning deferred rushing, which are not only important to the frosh but also to fraternity men, are listed in the book . As editor of the Handbook, Ralph mith turned out one of the mo t complete booklets printed by any college and deserves much credit. Business manager William Kinsey, also de erves praise for obtaining the advertising that finances the Handbook . 140
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