Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Freshman Glee Club Under the guidance of Dr. Thomas Roberts, the freshman Glee Club completed a successful season with a performance at. t.he Moriah Church, Utica. This was the fifth per– formance the yearlings put on, having previously sung at. the J. C. Union building on a Christmas program, at. the Sherburne High School, the University Vesper services, and also combined with the upperclassmen to put over the annual Glee Club Concert. Dr. Roberts was very pleased with the group and is counting on several of the first year men to replace the men in the Varsity Glee Club who will graduate. WILLIA!>\ RISING OscAR DRut>mELLER DoN BuRNS CHARLES GusRON TED FISCHER GoRDON HEwiTT JAMES DITZLER LoUIS RICH ARTHUR GuPTILL {Accompanist) 0KE OKAMOTO LEROY WEBER, ]R. THOMAS BISHOP HARVEY FERRY HENRY CuTLER DoNALD STOTT HowARD STEEL FRANKLYN ST. JoHN CARL BoLTEN BASS I PETER KARCANGOS JoHN MILLER Boa RuTHt>tAN RoBERT B u RDICK JoHN BuERt>1A N ]AMES DAY, ]R. BASS II D. A. DAHLBERG 0ATHER KELLY RoBERT THAW RAYMOND DAWSON IRviN GooD TENOR II. HowARD ANDREWS STANFORD MEIGS GILBERT LIBBY TENOR I. J. F . NoRMAN RoY SANTE \V ARREN TUTTLE HERBERT MILLER RoY INGRAM HARRY KREIGER DoN lLES DEAN HATHEWAY HowARD SPRow NOR!>\AN WILLIAMS ]AMES DuMARY FRED SHARP DouGLAS MuNsoN DAviD JoNES WILLIAM A. FRANK RAYMOND HUMANN LANG BAu J. R. NOBLE GERALD JoHNSON WILLIAM MAWHINNEY 141
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