Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Phi Delta Theta OPFICERS FIRST S~:~IEST~:R Pruidt:nl RICHARD C. WEISS Wardt:ll . Orro E. RAUSCII Tua.rurer \\'. \\'ATSO:>: BROW f'ia-Pruidt:nl \\'n.LIA.'I GEORG£ 'tcu/,u:v RoBEHT CuHTISS St:CO 0 SEI'\ESTEH Pre.ridenl ALAN G. KRAEMER rt"ardt:n OITo E. RAUSCH Trea.ruru \\'. \\'ATSON BROWN l'ict!-Prl',ridwl \\ ILLIA.'\ GEORGE St!crtlary PrTT HARRIS Back Row . Curti«S. Cascrin, Ogilvit>, Bassler, Weiss, Wa\ers, Garvey, Weed, Myc, llutchins. Third l~o" : tain, tetzler, l{alph, ase, Linn, Kaye, Gehlt>n, George, Anneu, Rausch, Kraemer, Ash, Crouch. Second Row: Uclkndahl, Palmateer, Listt>r, Lucy, De lue, Weiss, Stacy, Brown, Stearns, R1ley, Greite, Williams. Front Row Kraemer, Turner, Harrison, Saunders, Harris, Evans The infant Mganization which was to become Phi Delta Theta originated as the "Owls Club" back in 19 6. Increa ed interest in the club, and a change of name to Sigma Alpha made it necessary to rent a house on Hamilton Street. Continuing in growth through the years, Sigma Alpha found it necessary to move once more; this time to Kendrick Avenue and to larger quarters. Through the efforts of Dr. Freeman H. Allen, and Professor Roy B. mith, a charter was obtained from Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. Bolstered by their n w organization, the members of the Zeta chapter suffered the loss of their house by fire in 1926. The following year, the present structure of red brick was erected, and since that time, Phi Delt has gro" n till it is one of the stronger powers on the campus. It was a gr at year as far as the Phi Delis were concerned. Johnny Lucy is the new Rendezvous champion of the house- -- fter three years \Vatson Brown has stiU kept that fierce outhern accent even against overwhelming odds- - AI Kraemer, the politician, got his foot in every political election this year-- -he missed the U. . presidency by only three ,·otes--- "Helen Wills" John Riley, otherwise known as Moody, is the Lone Ranger of the hou e. Rog " kyheel" William carried the varsity ski team on his back-- at least so he ay . Then there' 'Tm-the-manager-of-the-band" Stacy -- "Doc" couldn't take in party becau he had to bu furniture- - Oh well, look at Chuck Ash - -he got married and moved downtown. Maybe it was the "Blue Goose" that. drove him to it. 146