Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
De~ta Kappa Epsilon OFFICER Sltward . CECIL . EMPLE Back Row . Blakeslee, McDowell, Ilastmg , Ackerman, Fitch, Hackney, Carpenter, Cleveland, 1 lobstetter, Jerome, Westover, Schm1dt. Third How : Kennedy, Becker, Bowman, Warden, SeyfTer, F. Forbes, Jones, Blis.~. Leonard, Mclfarg, Hamilton. ~ccond Row : Place, W Forbes, Atkinson, Scoville, Walker, Semple, &>ardsley, Doggett, Washburn, Dawwn, McCutcheon. Front Row Emerhng, Fuiks, Remington, Eaton, Kenney, Duke, Gibbs, Blackmore. The eighty-fourth year of Mu chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon arrived in 1939 and with it came all the ucces that Caleb Gallup and Jonas Browne could have hoped for. For it was these two upstarts who tried to bring a chapter of DeHa Kappa Epsilon onto the Col– gate campus in 1856 despite the efforts of the administration to suppress secret societies. The society however was dissolved; but only in name for after the Civil War a D. K. E. chapter blo somed forth a a recognized ft·aternity at Colgate. 1877 and 1912 are land– marks in Mu's history, for the former date marked the dedication of the Temple as well as the National onference of D.K.E. at Colgate, 1912 is another milestone which signifies the erection of the new Pierce Memorial House. Delta Kappa Epsilon has indeed made much progre at. olgate since tho e early attempts to found it were frustrated by the ad– mini tration in l856. To the campus the D . K . E. senior class offers eleven men, each superior in his own line. teward emple the leader, assisted by "Beetles" Jones, Kennedy and Bowman- - -Atkin– on, the debater - - Beard Ley, the Captain of the 'Vous squad - - Dawson, the leader of his Purple Knights - - Doggett, King of kidmore - - - Billy Forbes, master of the art of bachelority - - McCutcheon, pantomimi t supreme - - Place, the art of getting up for six seYen-Gftie a week for four years-- Scoville, Binghamton's gift to the State Troopers--- mple, in the dining room and on the tenni court (he's captain)-- Washburn, captain of ba eball. 148
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