Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Pruide11l Trea.ruru Phi Gamma Delta OFFICERS Recording lli.rlorian Hi.rlorian Corruponding ecrelar.v DAVIDs. WtLLIA!>IS JOliN \\. FAUS RoBERT G. MoRA A~IOS J. j\\J .KEL HERBERT F. HEl'IPEL Back Row: Shreve, Knapp, Weager, Watson, Buck, Churchill, Thompson, Peck, Moor . Third Row: Berman, Robertson, Mmkel, Ferris, Fewsmtth, Leverich, Gibson, Sayers, Hempel, Cook. Second Row: Mauri, Gribbon, 0' eil, Moran, Williams, Faus, kill, Dorsey, Luchini. Front Row: Baldwin, Gibb<!, Robison, Burnett, Comfort, Chamberlain, Toomey, Jenkins. November 12, l 87, was a memorable day for eight students of Madison University. At midnight on thai. bleak auf.umn day, Theta Psi chapter of Phi Gamma Delta came into existence in the house then occupied by 1\lr . In the fifty-one years whichhaveelapsed since that day, Phi Gamma Delta has achieved distinction on the Colgate campus, and now stands fir f. among Greek letter fraternitie in cholarship and high among f.he leaders in intramural and exf.ra curricular activif.ies . To achieve this p ition, however, requil'ed the constant efforts of both active and alumni members, and it is especially to the latter that Theta P i chapter feels grateful. f the group that leaves f.he present home on "Phi Bete" corner, who will forget the "HighMoe," otherwise known as Dave" nuggles" Williams? Credit is due Dave for his in– spirational leadership as House President. With him goes "Nelson Eddy" Moran who leaves fond memories of his warblings. Then there was the third roommate of the group "Deacon" Dor e , who always kept the boys wondering what he would add next to the grow– ing party tax. There were athletes from the "Fiji" lodge, and good ones too. Jimmie Gribbon, for three years one of Andy' dependable back - - Jules Luchini, quarterback and catcher, who helped the Maroon to many a win--- Frank Mauri, captain of lacrosse, last _year. Who could forget the one and only" kipper" kill?-- Then there was football manager "O'Toole" O'Neil whose ability at the dominoe wil1 be long remembered - - Last, but not least, was Jack "Fous" Faus-- better known to the brethren as "Stud." 150