Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Phi Kappa Psi OFFICERS FIRST SE~1ESTER SECO 0 SE.-1 ESTER Pre.ridenl EDWARD J. GARVEY Pruidenl CoNRAD A. PEARSO Vice-Pre.ridenl RoBERT W. BoDY Vice-Pre.ridenl DAVID B. RENICK Surelary CLARK RANDT Secrelnry ANDREW RYAN Back Row : Rupp, Jenks, LeFevre, Willcox, Butler, Gerson, Ryan, RobinettP, Jackson, Bonney, Coley Third Row 1lenry, Lamb, Birtch, Albrecht, Nf'wcomb, McDowell, 1larbison, Babb, Perlcc, Writs Second Row : Rose, Adam~. Randt, Fox, Ha7.-ud, Sumner, LiJ(hl, D'Avignon, Burnett, Sawyer. Front Row . Pearson. Remick, Zimmerman, Body, Garvey, Burnett, Levy. Burke. New York Epsilon of Phi Kappa Psi has enjoyed a colorful and distinguished history during the past fifty years on the Colgate campu . With a half-century of tradition behind it, the chapter now moves into a new era with hopes for continued success in the future. Opposite Taylor Lake on Fraternity Row, the old yellow frame house was once used as a naval barracks during the war, and has had an eventful history. In 1887, New York Epsi– lon was formed out of a defunct literar society, "Aeonia," and it was in 1914 that the mem– bers of the fraternity moved into their present house. ince that time, the chapter has ex– panded until it now holds a favored and distinctive place among campus activities. The present senior class boasts among its outstanding members, the versatile "Moose" Garvey. Editor of this year's Salmagundi, president of Masque and Triangle, Konosioni, Glee Club, and house president are a few of his accomplishments. On the football team we had "Lowgear" Burke, who received All-America mention, while Zimmerman held down left end, and Coley played quarterback. "Connie" Pearson captained the soccer team, pulled down Phi Bete honors, served as our senator, and earned himself a white haL In basketball Sawyer and Hazard were doing a great job until the dean's office caught up with them, while Rose, Coley, Jack Wells, and LeFevre all played hockey. In track, awyer,Hazard, and Zimmerman again excelled, and Tommy Adams was one of the stand– out pitchers on Bill Reid's nine. The Phi Psis will be remembered for seven Maroon Key members, three white hats and ten fords. 15:2