Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

P ruidenl Vice-Pre.riden{ ecre{al:l/ Trea.rurer Phi Kappa Tau OFFICERS FRA CIS c. J\lARTLING HowARD L. ]o ES Jon W. B u RTO KARL H. MEUCHE Back Row : S. Thurber, Nelson, Ballou, R. N Peterson, Treiber, Close, Quick, Shurter. Second Row: Burton, D. Thurber, Geibel, Buchanan, R. K Peterson, Hcnrekson, Quinn, Campbell. Front Row: Schnabel, Mcuchc, cilson, Riley, Martling, Mayo, Jones, Meierdicrck. Twelve years have elapsed since a determined band of undergraduates founded Delta Pi Sigma, a local fraternity. In this period, the fraternity has grown and has increased its membership of campus Leaders to such an extent that it became Alpha Upsilon chapter of Phi Kappa Tau on May 22, 1937 and in two years looked out on the world completely free from any debts . 1939 has gone down in the house annals on a par with 1937 in importance to Alpha Upsilon since now Phi Kappa Tau does not have to fear the mortgage villain which has beleagured so many Colgate fraternities. The past year also marks a height in campus achievements on the part of the brothers and it is only through alumni and active coopera– tion that the position which Alpha Upsilon now holds was made possible. Past historians may have given them a record of steady progress but the present mem– bers will have to be termed as having ups and downs. Take Harry Schnabel and Howie Jones with their campus car--- life is mostly down for them -- the jitney doesn't take to hills - - of course it is just the opposite with the house stewards- -- the last three have been haters of the fair sex until they won the job-- and then have gone the way of all masculine hearts-- Coiler Meuche is no exception-- it's anyone's guess with Jack Campbell- -he has a new love at every party and is now courting the pride of Hamilton. 154