Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Pre.ridenl f 'ice-Pre.ridml ecrdnry Trea.turer Alpha Tau Omega OH"ICERS JonN D. BRIGGs MAX\\'. MASON, JR. KE:N E:TH \V. BoNE RA DOLPH J. GERAGHTY Back Row . Simon, Krug, R l!elliesen, Volk, Brazier, Donnelly, Koch, Midkiff, Roberts, Wright, Wilde. Bone, Koehler. Second Row : Brown, Gallaher, Richardson, Boyce, j . Helltesen, Luczynski, Barrett, Filon, Force, Glennie, Tribken, Lee, Shepard, Lea Third Row : Wemple, Geraghty, Howe, McKennan, Mason, Briggs, Ferree, prague, James, Grcenebaum, Nahouse, ' upa, Turino. Bottom Row: Gills, Young, Curtis, Eustace, Macintosh, Cole, Andrews, Schwartz, Leonard, PiaU. For many years the Madison Club stood as a landmark on the Colgate campus. Com– posed of a group of enterprising undergraduates, their aim was to advance social and literary culture at Colgate. In 1916, after applying for admission, the Madison Club was disbanded, and there grew up in its place the New York Delia Gamma chapter of Alpha Tau Omega. Growing in interest and strength, the chapter erected its present dwelling in 1928, and join– ed the other houses on Fraternit.y Row. The house, whose terrace slopes down to Taylor Lake, is a Lasting tribute to those hard-working members of the once famous Madison Club. So much for history and now for a little current events. Junior Prom- Kooosioni tap– ping and white hats go to Briggs, Wemple, Boyce, Ferree, and Mason-- Valk, Wright, and Curtis honored in Spring elections--- campus talk starts as A . T. 0. switches allegiance to White Hats Moving-Up Day-- finals-- -home for three months. Frosh week - - John "Everything happens to me" Helliesen supervi es repainting and waxing of the house - - Platt protests - - so what. Co-Captain Wemple leads team into eight game schedule - - - "Tinhaid" Donnelly is another sticky-fingered end - - Briggsy Leads cheerleaders-- helped by Wilde and the Tumbling Tash--- Syracuse game-- Gordy honored for editorial, "When Spirits Meet" - - -or something - - at least it was better than the Weeps. Thanksgiving--- Krug rivals Koehler for House wet joke champion--- opho– more Christmas play lays huge egg - - - Robin Hood Turino has the lead role. 156
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