Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Pre.ridwl Vice-Pre.ridenl Secrelar.v Trea.rurer Beta Theta Pi OFFICERS CHARLES R. Esnr.L SETII A. RoBBINS PEVEIUL 0. SETTLE, JR. FllANK E. tcGuFFIN Back Row: Settle, Evans, Hamilton, Cabrelli, Matthews, Kafka, Usher, Drayton. Lube. Third Row : Cole, Marshall, Haviland, Thompson, ibley, Howard, Robbins, Thompson, Straub. Second Row : Long, McGuffin, Richardson, Hunt, Estill, Wright, isler, Kerr, Kleindinst. Front Row: 'mith, Drake, Haskins, Stewart, ichols, Vosburgh, Kreitler. With a hearty song, a band of forty young men concluded their initiation banquet and departed, enthused by the spirit which had just led them to found Beta Theta chapter of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. Suchwas the situa Lion in that eventful year of 1880 when the"Beta's"made their entrance into the Colgate fraternal circle and began a career of noteworthy accomplish– ments. There have been many serious moments in the chapter's history and Beta Theta Pi has clone itself well at Colgate both athletically and scholastically, having achieved many goals throughout the years. The past year calls up many happy memories to the brothers of Beta Theta chapter. "Prexy" Chick Estill - - the man who wields a mean stick of charcoal and mourns the ab– sence of his old crony, George Cook - - Skip Wright and Lefty Hunt - - two of Andy's boys who considerably augmented Mr. Sclune's purse in their spare moments - - Incidentally, Walter' as the boy whose father never bothered to explain to him the possibilities of a razor. - - - Billy Kerr - - - his quallty points would tax the efficiency of the most modern adding maclune - - he'11 probably wind up teaching the youngsters their A B C's - - - Bob Kleindinst - - - soon folks will see him running around Buffalo with a musket, trying to put a bullet through Father Time before the old gent catches up with him--- Scotty McGuffin-- one of the boys who had the knot partly tied before graduation, yet books proved no problem to him this year and "quais" rolled in by the fistfulls - - Johnny Long -- for three years one of the best of the Red Raider backs-- Remember Army? 158