Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

.Delta Upsilon OFFICERS FIRST SE~IESTER Pruidenl RALPH G. s~IITII T'ice-Pruidenl R. J. CoLLINS ~ecrelary Do!'IALD B. DuBOis SECOND SEl'lt;STER Pruidenl FRED H. lERKEL Vice-Pruidenl D. A. BARRETT Secretary Do ALl> C. MORRELL Trea.rurer JACK A. TISCHBEIN Trea.rurer RoBERT M. \VALCZAK Back Row : Van Orden, Grimshaw, Brewster, Robbins, Packard Fourth Row : Collins, Lovett, Pill, Colwell, Mantica, Adams. Merrill, 1\lcK:oy, DuBoos, Helman, Walczak. Third Row : Barrell, Dewey, Wheel<"r, Zimmerman, Moore, Doyl , Ne1l, Wilson, Beaton, Jenkms, Morrell. Second Row : Downs, Schmitt, Semler, Linton, Gilson, Smith, Rowboltom, Coppolo, Otto, Kornrumph, Mullen, Merkel. Front Row: Grisman, Elson, Thompson, McCoy, Cook, Freestone, Quinn, Fostt'r, Wehrell. Tn 74 years at Colgate, Delta Upsilon has become potent in scholarship and athletics on the campus. Founded in 1865, D. U. builL the first American fraternity house in 1882. A new house was constructed in 1930, adding further progress to the acluevements already made. Since its inception at. Colgate, Delta Upsilon has been not only a leader in college activities but is a supporting pillar of the national fraternity. These accomplishments have been made possible not only through the efforts of the active brothers but through the work of the many alumni of the Colgate chapter whose advice and help have been of in– valuable aid in setting the chapter in the position it now holds. Delta Upsilon has many pleasant remembrances of the past year-- The house is proud of Goose "The not-dead" Goslin-- but don't ask the fellows why, just a k Goose--– "Snake" Berry - - - the life of the party or could it be "life goes to the house party" - - - Harrv "\Vee-Wee" Wheeler is still looking for the ten pounds (not money, but real flesh) he lost on "the beat of his heart" (not a horse's name either but a gal)- - - Tischbein bought a really beautiful ring, but fortunately enough it was too small for his finger; so Prexy Smith will soon be the "one" who won't be wearing the pants in his family of two- - Walczak finally got out of the dog house and was "allowed" to lake in hou e parties- -- Always present in " nake Heaven" (house party) were Wilson and Gilson- - -what technique they had-- - Rowbottom will give his pin to anybody who will take it--- Dan "I've-got-a-heavenly body" Grisman wore out two mirrors every month - - - 166