Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Pre.ridenl Vice-Pre.ridenl tcrelary Trea.rurer OFFICERS Theta Chi FRANK BONiiAi'-t ERIC R. lcNEILLIE H. PEALE HALDT, Jn. LLOYD R. LAWRENCE Back Row: ]. Bauer, Pearsall, Osterhoudt, Donahue, Schaufficr, Oberly, Finnell, Graham, Gates, P. 1illrr, !licks Third Row: VanDoren, Foster, Gurney, Bradshaw, Adams, Borkhuis, Cushing, Neuhut, MacDougall, Wright, Neubert. Second Row: Low, Schmidt, McNamara, Lawrence, Bonham, Me eilhe, Haldt, Blanchard, Smith, Barnes. :Front Row: Krumrine, Bowler, Weed, G. Miller, C. Bauer, Turtur, Marston. Theta Chi was organized on the Colgate campus to meet a real need of the college, namely, to sati fy the desire of several men in the clas of 1915 to become affiliated with a fraternal organization. After the charter was granted in 1912, creating Iota Chapter, the group progressed in great strides, both in membership and in meeting place facilities. Early meetings were held in a room in Taylor Hall; in its econd year of existence Iota rented a home on Hamilton Street, later purchasing a home of its own. In 1925 the famous Hamilton Female minary was purchased, and remodeled, providing a luxurious new home on "fra– ternity row." Prominent among Theta Chi's seniors this year is Lloyd Lawrence, Colgate's Student nate president. "Larry," politician, scholar, and track man, overwhelmed by school spirit last fall, painted his little Chevy mar on. As far as his future busine life is concern– ed, he has decided definitely against being a traYeling brush salesman. Frank Bonham, this year's h use prexy, football letter man, and chemi try major, will enroll at 1. l. T. next fall. "Bonny" wa glad to hear they have NO 7:50 cla ses. "Minna" McNeillie, conscientious pre-med student, is the cause of the origin of that popular song, "Just Like The Girl 1cNeillie U ed To Have." Jim "Swampy" Barnes, in addition to his interest in the Colgate band, show an amazing interest in high chool practice teaching. Bob Blanchard, artist intellect, and cheerleader has d ne orne remarkable work in illustrating textbooks in collaboration with professors here at olgate. 168