Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Pruidenf T'ice-Pre.ridenl Secrelat:'l TreaJ'urer Commons Club OFFICERS C. FilA K CowLEY, JR. WILUAI'I H. HAYFORO LEWIS l\1. BREHAUT LAWRENCE P. GREENE Back Row: Stowe, Andt>rson, Griswold, Corcoran. Crosier, Haas, Green, Overstrom. Fourth Row: Berberich, Rasback, Pomeroy, Shelland, Webb, Conklin. Third Row: Meeker, Taylor, Morlimcr, Carter, Zacharopoulos, Martin, DiTiberio. Front Row : Waltles, Polls, Baumbusch, Cowley (Presidcntl, Cole, Williams, Hayford, Johnson. In 1921, the Pan-Hellenic Council formally recognized a new organization on the campus known as the Non-Fraternity Club. This organization, whose name has since been changed to the Commons Club, has brought with it the benefits ofa fraternity to the neutrals on the campus. From the date of its acceptance as a recognized club, the Colgate Chapter of the Commons Club has enjoyed strong success. Realizing the need which existed for a social club of this kind on the campus, the leaders of the organization have seen to it that the club fulfills its duty to the neutrals and carries the power among the fraternities which it deserves. Under the leadership of its "Prexy," Frank Cowley, the year nineteen thirty-eight and nine saw the Club continue to forge ahead in campus life. It pledged seven upperclassmen, thereby increasing its membership to thirty-eight. It won the cup for having bought the highest percentage of tickets for the Concert and Lecture series. In addition to staging a highly successful part of its own in the room in West Hall, the Club collaborated with the Freshmen in putting on two gala house parties in the J. C. Union Building. Let us take a glance at what the boys did this year. Phil Seymour and Owen Williams spent a semester in \Vashington. They were invited to tea by no less a personage than the First Lady of the Land. Big Bill Hayford was elected President of the Colgate chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma. Freddy 1artin fulfilled the invaluable function of arranging dates with (Yracuse coeds. 172