Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Pruidenl T'ice-Pre.ridenl Secretary Trw.rurer Junior Service Men OFFICERS THOl'tAS G. SAWYER JosEPH FEwsr.uTu ]OHN F. ROBERTS RICHARD R. BRANCH Back Row: Morrell, Campbell, W:Jlczak, Barrett, Vedder, George. Fourlh Row: Perl~e. Amos, Sayers, Light, Brehaut, Crouch. Third Row: Kaye, Wright, Evans, Newcomb, Pfaff, Donahue. Second Row : Lamb, Mantica, Wells, Davids, Kreitler, Glendening. Front Row : Branch, Fewsmith, Sawyer (President), Roberts, Dubois. In orde1· to provide an additional incentive for students to interest themselves in extra– curricular activities a junior honorary society was instituted at Colgate. The membership of this organization includes members of the junior class who have distinguished themselves in athletic and non-athletic campus activities during their first two years. Members of the club are recognized on the campus by their unique hats and a small gold charm in the form of a key. At the conclusion of the Moving-Up Day ceremonies each spring, certain men of the junior class are tapped by retiring members of the club as they leave the Colgate 1emorial Chapel. Membership in the Maroon Key Club is limited to thirty and men are chosen on a basis of points amassed in the sophomore year. A definite point system has been ' orked out, with points ranging from one to ten, the relative importance and honor of the activity or;position deciding its point rating. The Maroon Key Club is more than an honorary junior societv; it is also pledged to the service of the University. Such activities as entertaining visiting teams and ushering at home athletic contests are representative of the manner in which the club lends its as– sistance. 175
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