Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Checked ·and Double Checked Pre.ridenl . Vice-Prt:.ridenl OFF£CERS SecrelarJJ and Trea.rurl!r WJLJ. JA>'\ McKE:-< AN HARLOW ,\\ARSH EDWARD ME ASIA Back Row: Cleveland, Coffin, Beitz. Second Row: oble, Searle, Ackerman, Higgins. Fronl Row: Pilsworth, Marsh, Dr. King, McKennan, Menasian (President\. Paul Ackerman James Cleveland Arthur Coffin Elwood Cornell Alfred Diebolt MEMBERS IN UNIVERSITATE Donald Gallaher John Ghares Robert Higgins Guy Cooper Curtis Janney Bernhardt Klippel William McKennan Harlow Marsh Edward j\1enasian James Packard Malcolm Pilsworth Two heads are bent over a small table in deep thought. People, anxiou ly watching, hover in the background. The room is still. The match is even. The winning team will be decided by this crucial game and will receive the silver cup now resting on the mantle. Suddenly one of the players makes a move. His opponent cannot. retaliate; he is defeated. Soon the whole crowd realizes the fact, and a shout of triumph goes up for the victors. The silver cup remains on the mantle. The excitement and thrill of another chess match fades away into the darkness. "Chess is a young man's game," declares Dr. C. Harold King, professor of Public peak– ing, and to follow up his assertion he has literally brought the popular indoor game Lo Col– gate. Under his direction chess has been organized not only as a pastime, but as a serious pursuit; and as a result it has become an accepted part of Colgate's campus life. Composed of about. lwen~IJ enlluuirulic members who meet regularly every 1onday evening in the upper lounge of the J. C. Union, the club has already participated in eight. matches. Teams from Oneonta, Cazenovia, and Stockbridge Valley have been faced regu– larly all season with a reasonable amount of success, considering the fad that. Lhe club is just newly established. The usual eight. man team used in competition has been composed of Ed Menasian, Bill McKennan, Harlow Marsh, Art Coffin, Paul Aclcerman, Jim Cleve– land, Curtis Janney, and Malcolm Pilsworth. 178