Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

.Alpha Chi Sigma Alpha Nu Cltaptcr·of Alpha Chi igma is no" going into its Fifteenth vear <~l Colg<Jtc and consequently its members, elected upon recommendation of facult.Y nd ....isers, ha,·c by tl1is lime expanded theiractivities to include symposiums, and reprc<,cntation at their national concl:wc. Back Row: Grimshaw, Howard. Third Row: Brown, Cowl<•y, Shaver, 1\!an;ton Second Ro" Galpin, Barkoff, Strt·«·tcr, Young, \\'ell . Front Ro" Dr French, Hayford Prcstdcn '· Professor Roberts, Cash. Chi Pi Mu With the goal in mind of bringing the medical school in closer har·mony with the individual pre-med, Chi Pi ,\lu was founded at Colgate in 1927 as an honorary society. lcmbcr arc cho en on the basis of their scholastic attainment, character, and good fellowship. Under the guiding hand of Dr. Charles Foster, perti– nent topics of new ad,•ancc in medicine arc discussed. Bnck Row: Thurber, Hemple, 1tnkel. Fourth Row: McDougal, Bone, I Ieins. Ward Third Row: Cohn, Boyle, Hackney, G •orjlc, Pfaff. Second Row: olhns, Place, Glennie, Betsch, Downs, Coppolo. Front Row: Dr. Foster, Dr. Beebe, Terry (Pre tdent), Dr. Roberts, Sweet.