Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
German Club Apfelhluetenfest-- With Get·man song and cheer thi annual intercollegiate celebration highlighted the year for the Colgate German Club. Led b.)• Pre ident Gordon Boyce, the Club met once a month for the purpose of stimulating a love of German language and literature. flack Row. 1\ckcrm~nn, Swinn y, Kru:gt•r. Finl:t}'. 'cllcndahl. Thtrd Row : Elson, 1\lo,;cl, Farnsworth, Doyle, l'lrich, l'tlsworth. ~·cond Row Griflith, Evan:, Ztmmt·rman. Hopper, Karll{aard. Front I{ow. Dr Kuhlt-r. Dr Kot•nil!, Dr Gate•. Dr. 1undt. Mount Hermon Club }\1embership in the 1\\ount Hermon Club is rcslri led to graduates of the o\.lount Hermon chool of Northfield, ,'\\assachusctts. Each year the acliYities of the organization arc climm..ed b.v a banquet in the spring at which time a rcpt·csenlalive of the s hool visits the campus. Back Row: Van Cor, Shirley !\fiddle Row Richards, Lowe, lcKay. Front Rov.. DuBoi , Dr. Foster, Campbell, Landon. 182
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