Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Sc~lp and Blade The Buffalo girls who come out and dance by the light of the moon have nothing on the members of the local chapter of the calp and Blade. This club, consisting of students living in or around Buffalo, and repre– sented by similar dubs in various colleges and universities, gather during vacAtions and once more Auld Lang yne the passing hour . Back Ro" : Shaver, Glennie, En~tesscr, 0' <>il. Fourth Row : Swartr., Mye, Jackson, Lauroesch. Third Row. J lcnnigar, I larris, Collins, Conn, Taylor Second Row : Ballou, harp, Rice. Mtnkel, Schauffier, Gedney. Front Row : Coward, Bradshaw, J toward (President), Ayrault, Jaeger. Mu Pi Delta J\lu Pi Delta,founded in 1922, aim<> to reward undergraduates fo•· out tanding achievement in musical fields. In addition to fostering mu<>ical activities on the campus, the group ushers during Concert and Lee– lure eries progrnms and each year initiate one arti ton the program. This year the outstanding musici;m was Artur Rodzin ki, Conductor of the Cle\'eland Symphony. Back Row : Potts, Baumbusch, /lurch, Brown. Second Row : Carter, Stacy, Williams, Cook, Jaeger. Front Row: Garvey, DiTiberio, Allen (President), Walker. 184