Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Sigma Delta Psi The "Frank i\lerriwell" (vpe of athlete is honored at Colgate by initiation into Sigm<'~ Delta Psi frater– nity, a national organization whose purpose is to advance ph,•sical education. In order to become eligible for induction into this athletic organization, it is necessary for the individual to pa a eries of tests in various fields of sports. Back Row. Pill, Crossman, 1\-lason. . cond Row: Landon, Johnson. Front How : Sawyer, Hazard, Zimmerman. Sociology Club Tour to state institutions, prisons, and hospitals, and enlightening group discu sions are the highlights of the work of the ciology CLub. All students interested in such project are eligible to take part in these educational activities, sponsored by the Sociology Department. Back How: Fraguson. I Iartman. Jordan Fourth Row : H<>ynolds, Shelland, Mayo, Weller, Caldwl'll. Third Row : VanDoren, Talbot, Parkhurst, Maynard, 1ulhern, Weber. Second Row : Bauer, Davids, Smith, Conn, Roberts. Front Row : Dr. Himes, Profesror Foley, Ritter (President\, Dr. Bash. 185
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