Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Ski Club OFFICER Pre.ridenl 1'ice-Pre.ridenl DoN DuB01s Secreltu:v- T ren.ruar JACK ,\\A . CIIESTt: U The m<lterial -- now and hills; the men - --one thousand snowbound students look– ing for an outdoor winter sport; the logical conclusion - - skiing. But the incentive was m1ssmg. That 'as added by Dr. David Trainer in Janua1·y. 1935, "ith the formation of the !gate ki Club. The club has risen rapidly to it pr ent po ition a the largest and one of the mo t popular of all campus organizations. This year it has tak n another step in firmly entrench– ing kiing at olgate. Early this fall it lea ed a one hundred and seventy acre farm in North Brookfi ld. With a ix hundred foot drop ove1· a eli tance of thirty-one hundred fe t, the site was ideally suited for skiing. The c nter ha been develop d into what Dr. Trainer affirms to be "the sportiest skiing spot in this sedion of the country." Telephone communi– cation from top to bottom and an "Adirondack lean-to" ' here refreshments are served have added to the comfort of the location. The ki lub condu ted the intramural kiing program thi year and next year it is looking forward to further improvem nt in r creational sltiing at olgate by instituting a teaching program for beginner . Colgate's Winter arnival is one of the most celebrated winter partie in the East. Each year b auties from the cream of New England girls' schools descend on the nowv, hitherto p aceful campu to enjoy the gay festiviti . A great deal of the succe s of each of the e mid-year celebrations is the r ult of the work of the Ski lub. As their major aim of the year is the completion of an elaborate ports program for \Vinter arnival, "Doc" Trainer and the boys start making plans early in the fall. Famous skier and noted pro– fessionals are ecured to thrill the party-goers on aturday aft rnoon. Ski meets are held at night in the glare of glowing red torches. Thu to the olgat Ski Club goe a gr at deal of the credit for an annual parkling Winter arnival. 186
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