Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

Food, .Fun, Fellowship "I have a few 'serious-faced' inventions that I'd like to tell you fellows about/,'~ .lre­ marked Budd Hulick, the famous comedian of the renowned NBC radio team of St.<¥>p– nagle and Budd, to the howling audience of five hundred that attended this year's Yarsity "C" Banquet. "They are," he continued, "a rungless ladder for washing windows in the basement and a half-bell alarm clock, for two people who sleep together, which ririgs··)ust loud enough to wake one of them." This was one of the many highlights on the program honoring the 1938 edition of the Red Raiders. In addition, Raymond W. (Ducky) Pond, Yale's head coach f football, was on hand to say a few words with respect to the value of the game in our present war-torn world. Genial Hersh 1\losier, competent Alumni Secretary} was the toastmaster and introduced the se eral speakers of the evening. In addition to Hulick and Pond, words of greeting were extended to the Red Raiders by Presi– dent Cutten, Profe sor Herman T. R. Aude and Head Coach ndy Kerr. Andy, who rounded out his tenth year as Coach this past season, thanked the student body for its magnificent support and congratulated the team on the fine brand of football played, despite its mediocre record. " all," he reflected "Duke and . Y. U. only beat us by twenty-four inches." According to, gold footballs were awarded to the seniors on the squad by Co-Captains Wemple and Lucy. Thus, after some two hours of tribute to a foot– ball team that approached greatness on several occa– sions, t.he five hundred loyal Colgate men filed out of the J. C. Union dining hall wit.h the closing strains of the "Alma Mater" still ringing in their ears. HERSCHEL L. MOSIER Toa.rlma.rier 190