Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access

The Best in. the East Were Worried Back Row e Lul>c, Wilson, IIerman, Davtd~. Tricbcr. Coley. Second Row Kerr (Coach!, W Kerr, Caseria, Bonh·tm, Johno.;on, Buck, Hamil ton, Scoville, lloaguc, Donnelly, cill, Garvey, (Y cil (Manal(er . Front Row: Jones, Wnght, Hunt, Wemplc, Lucy. Burke, Lom:. Gribbon, Luchini Two cleated feet churning a hurtling orange-clad body, ball tucked under a gripping arm, crossed the La t chalk stripe that marked the Colgate goal line and seven tallie , a suc– cessful point-attempt included, showed on the scoreboard to pronounce Syracu e 7, Colgate 0. A few minutes later twenty-two perspiring athletes shuffled into the locker rooms, half of them hysterically happy, the other half di appointed and walking as though struck by a bolL A huge orange sun peeped through sodden skies that had for the past hour poured a drenching rain on struggling jerseys. Even the lements had cheered up to hail the end of Colgate's thirteen year jinx on Syracus football teams. Lining grim Archbold's grey tiers, thirty-four thousand wild Bill Orange adherents thundered cheers at the yracuse triumph while inside the Red Raider dressing quarters sat. Maroon gridders, tired and dejected . They could not realize that de pite a poor season capped by the fiasco at hand there were the bright spots any Colgate contest carries. In t.he hall just outside the Maroon locker r om tood Andy Kerr, famous Colgate grid tacti– cian, commenting to reporters, "This olgate defeat is the greatest thing that ever happened to upstate football. We' e been proud to show the ability to win . We can be just as proud to show that. we knO\ how to lose ." Weeks later, President Cutten arising to give t.he administration's address at the Var– sity "C" Banquet honoring all olgate athletes, proclaimed that what went on in the Col- 192