Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Galloway Ends Successfull Reign Back How : Galloway ( oach), Fawcett, Goslin, Usttmovich, Leonard, Hazard, Macllarf.{, Thompson, Evans (Manager). Front Row : Levenson, Colhns, Corts, hnton (Captain), Gilson, Washburn, Buck, Sawyer. "Cover that basket! Watch those pa es there! 0. K., m, on your toes!" Coach Johnny Galloway's voice rings out across Huntington Gymnasium, as his basketball hope– fuls dash over the court, eager to start the new season. Daily practices continue and Johnny soon begins to weed out the best material. The var it is formed, intricate plays are learn– ed, and the schedule get under way-- Toronto--- N.Y. U.--- Columbia-- -Dartmouth– --- Army-- Fordham--- Cornell--- and then finally the big game with yracuse! Coach Galloway gives his men the last minute instrudions before they dash out onto the floor to battle the Orange. A tough fight, but olgate lo es. Then the end of the season - - - Don CoLLins, flashy guard, is elected captain - - talk of next year's chance - - - But no longer will Coach Johnny Galloway's voice ring out across Huntington Gym– nasium. No longer wiH .Maroon ba ketball teams be inspired by his teaching and imbued with his pirit. Johnny Galloway has resigned. For four years Johnny has determined the destiny of Colgate court forces. Ever since he wa brought to the 1\1\aroon campus in 1935 from Alfred " here he succe sfully coached th axon football, basketball, and track teams, he ha built. great teams. He has made a record to be proud of. Throughout his regime his squads have won 31 games and lost 19, exclusive of this sea on when the avail– able material was obviously far below st.anda1'd. Contrary to medical advice, for the \tlaroon mentor has been in ill health for the past few years, he returned to coach last fall and despite a poor record of six win out of ninteen contest produced a Colgate five that time and time again proved it elf to be of first cla s calibre and able to battle the best in the East. ]OliN E. GALLOWAY Coac/1 196
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