Colgate University 1939 Yearbook (Hamilton, NY) - Full Access
Colgate 10 - Opponents 5 - Rain 3 Back Row : Ad:~ms, Reid (Coach), Luchini, Murphy, Davids, Case, Kerr ( fanager) Second Row: Sisler, Washburn, Luczynski, Decker, \Vojack, Dieffenbach, Butler, Clinton, Allen. Front Row : Pill, Schmidt, Bartlett, Stone. s the smack of the ball into the miH and the harsh cry of 11 0ut" rang aero Whiinall Field, Colgate's 1938 Red Raiders concluded their ba eball season with a record of Len games won and Gve lo t. The season sa\ Captain 'Vojack and hi mates make a clean sweep of its arch rivals, Syracuse and Cornell, winning the entire six encounters played. When Bill Reid returned from Florida in Aprll the prospects for a banner season were bright indeed. He had a strong receiving staff in Captain Chuck Wojack, burly Jules Luchini, and sophomore Billy Schmidt. He has two veteran hurlers in Georg isler, and "Lefty" Allen plus two promising yearlings, Tommy dams and Bob Case. One vacancy at short Lop in an otherwise strong infield, and a gap in right field were Coach R id's chief ' orries. Flashy Don Pill, a sophomore, was chosen for the short– stop position and gave a creditable performance throughout the season. The right garden spot, however, was not so easily filled. H' asn't until well past mid-season that Wally Davids took the posi– tion over s(eadil. . In the meantime it was filled alternately by i\lurphy, Decker and Bartlett. If an thing can be said about the 1938 season, it is about the terling play of Ray Dieffenbach, whom Coach Reid ranks with the best Colgate players ever to perform for him. After spending most of his first year on the bench and playing fairly well during his junior year, Ray uddenly came to life to break all hitting records. He fini hcd the eason with the amazing average of .516, having also driven in forty-two runs and smashed out seven circuit clout . The recenUy donated Lee Alexander 1emorial Trophy was awarded to \\'JLLfMI A. RE:JD Coach 199
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